Yes it is of great importance well the question I'm bout to put in today's entry. For those who know me and only those who know me, How am I important to you? For those who don't know me here's a question I have for you, Would I be someone you think might be important in your life? It dawns on me just a few hours ago. I couldn't think straight when I was doing my work. So I played a game. Then it got to me there, but how important am I to someone's life? If I am important in their lives do I have meaning to be there in it or just be the means of their happiness? I guess this sorta relates to if you think you're being used as a tool by someone you really think you're just being used by.
As I walk to this day I still do not even know the meaning of my exsistance. Why am I here? Who am I really? What am I suppose to do here? All these and much more I still do not know. Life is complicate, yea I know, we all know its complicated but many of us let life control us. I for one really don't want to have life run me in turn I want to rule my life as I see fit and not the other way around. Its your life and your decision so why have it the other way around? Some people have called me a philosopher but some call me wise beyond my years. I just don't see the point in living if you don't know your meaning in life. Perhaps part of living is to find out why you're here in the world and the reasons you are there and for what purpose you are meant for in this world.
No one every takes the chance to think things truely. Is this really reality or just some dream we're dreaming. Why else would we get deja vus from time to time. Its like a dream that keeps repeating itself like a broken record. I ask you this! What do you think is the value of your life and how important do you think you are to those around you?! Ask them what I have asked you and see their answers to it. If they don't answer it then you can truely say that they are just there as a bystander in your life and nothing more than that. This is true for it's clear to know what you mean to your friends and loved ones. If none of them answer clearly then you either need to find out what they meant or they just made it up to cloud your mind.
I know I'm just a nobody but to my friends I don't know if I am just a nobody. Maybe to them I'm their hero or their role model, or maybe someone who could help change their life for the better or worse. I don't know this for certain for they never tell me the cause of my actions has upon them. For those who just read this to pass up time think when you read, about everything I have said and things that I could've said but didn't. If you just think I'm rambling on bout nonsense then tell me why its nonsense and what should be sense in the matter of your speaking. I truely don't know all the answer, no one does thus no one can truely answer the question is there something out there other than us and what is my meaning in life.
I emphasis this and you should too. Never think of yourself as a chest piece in a game unless its for a good cause. If you have your doubts give doubts back to those who gave you doubts. Always ask and assertain more knowledge to further your wisdom and become someone wise and looked apon by others. Never think the words "I love you" mean what they are without feeling or actions to back it up. Words alone aren't enough for us to believe but sometimes seeing isn't always believe either. Its best to focus on both words and vision. If you get clouded with strange thoughts never hesitate to discuss it with others to see what they view of it. No one can go alone in this world and some parents try to make their children do so by hating them and disowning them so they can feel the pain of lonliness. Think before acting but act while thinking.
All these have been true to me and I rather them be wrong than right for sometimes the truth hurts us very much and these rely to truth somewhat too much in a matter of speaking. Just remember these words I have spoken it may forever be the last time I part my wisdom to those in need of it. I may not know anything of this earthly world but I do know about the soul and emotions of that of a human. I may be just a nobody but I want to be somebody to someone in this world but I do not know this for sure. Am I important to your life? Could I be important to your life? Theses are my questions for the day, can you honestly answer them?
P.S. this was originally meant for my PMs but its not workin at the moment so here read it. I'm leaving dono when I'll come back so it might be forever so don't miss me alright. I don't care who you are or if you've forgotten me or somethin just so you know cause you're on my friendslist that I'm taking a leave of absence and I don't know when I'll be coming back it may be forever who knows but it might be after I finish the chuunin exams for my kage and squad but I'm leaving so this may be good bye forever best say your good byes today or til the 7th of March. bye guys its been fun but I'm just not needed anymore.
Tigerjake Takinochi · Tue Mar 01, 2005 @ 04:14am · 13 Comments |