I'm trying this new code well its fairly new to those who haven't tried it or heard of it but its the windows media player code for HTML and stuff. If you see it let me know and if you don't let me know as well. Anyways the song playing is my friends song that he made in frooty loops if you heard of it and stuff its a music creator type thingy anyways tell me what you think and if you see it or not.
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" Name="MediaPlayer" src="http://www.geocities.com/drunkentigerjake/brandamnnew2.mp3" AutoStart=1 ShowStatusBar=1 volume=-1 Loop=1 HEIGHT=50 WIDTH=300></embed>
Tigerjake Takinochi · Thu Feb 10, 2005 @ 05:28am · 0 Comments |