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Random Junk
Random junk I feel like posting =O
OMG Kiki's Quiz thing-a-ma-bob was Right O-o;
(I'm stupid and couldn't get the image to work gonk )

"Your soul was born in Ice.Some might think that water and ice is the same, but that's not true. Ice is what becomes of water when water gets hurt. Your element was once water, but something happened and your element turned to ice, which resulted in you soul being born in ice. Maybe someone close to you died or someone close to you betrayed you in some way. Either way, you are now a completely different person from who you were before. You are now shy and drawn back. You want people to notice you but youre afraid to make friends. You don't want to be hurt again. Depressed and mournful thoughts is eating you up inside. You want to scream but you just keep holding it all inside in fear of being rejected. Take a chance! There's people out there and they want to be friends with you."

Probably just a coincidence that the quiz worked or was right but whatever lol Whatever it still worked because that is me

Anyway I'm in a mood for depressing stuff right now o-o;

Within Temptation video for "Somewhere"

the most depressing video, it almost makes me cry everytime I see it because the past me can relate to it ;-;

Maybe what's most depressing is majority of people who do that crap do it for attention

IT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO SELF INJURE SO STOP MAKING IT A FAD PEOPLE (I love most of you lol) if you really feel the urge to do that then talk to someone please, I got over it by talking, it took two years to stop completely, but I stopped and I KNOW you can to <3

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XxKiki Le EmoxX
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 09:32pm
HOLY CRAP IT WAS RIGHT!!!! D= o yay u took my quiz ^^ aleast SOMEONE reads my journal =0

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