well this fridayis homecoming. so our school is going to do something weird everyday. tomorrow if u r a girl u r suppse to dress up as boy. if u r a guy u r suppose to dress up as girl. my friend(kam) said "i bet anyone of guys are going to partcipate". " probably,im not" i said. a footbal player over heard us (dustin) said "oh im partcipating im going to wear a bra and stuff it with dirty ,smelly socks on outside of my shirt". he was jk of course. dustin is never serious. "kam i bet u stuff ur bra anyway" said dustin. "i dont , allison does"kam says. "NO i dont ,kam does" i said "no i dont u do allison" kam says. "alright i do" dustin says. we all stare at eachother for 1min rying to hold our laughter. i suddenly burst out laughing really hard. ppl say y face was as red as a balloon. everybdy else was laughing to. afterwards dustin says " kam u pobably just want t stuff ur bra ,even when u r a old grandma ull have paper hangining out of ur bra where everyone can see." lmao.
heres another short story.
a guy on my bus says "allison are u going to dress up as girl tomorrow?" i started cracking up becuz he was callin me a guy.