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View User's Journal

Random Junk
Random junk I feel like posting =O
New Songs
No Break…

Pain never stops, it never stops it never goes away. Pain will fade it fades into, into my very soul.
Alone, alone, alone I am here I am on my own. I thought, I thought I could trust in you.
I thought, I thought you were real and not a distant memory
I was, I was so very wrong I wish I saw it sooner
Pain never stops, it never stops it never goes away.
I should have seen, have seen, have seen it in your eyes.
I was a fool, a fool, a god damn fool and now I pay for it every day.
I’ve dug my grave, my grave, I’ve dug my own grave.
So now I guess it’s time to sit and wait for things to end, to end.
I guess it’s time, it’s time to say good night, good bye to all we knew.
You were a friend, a friend, a good friend of mine.
But now I say, I say, I say good bye to you and the pain, the pain you bring on.
Goodbye, goodbye
I have no regrets

The Thoughts Flow…

I am being drained, I am being trained to take all your problem and make them my own.
I am being pushed around I am being treated like your clown.
What am I to do when you come to me whenever you’re alone but I can’t talk to you, when I need you the most?
Am I suppose to care when you don’t give a damn what happens to, how I feel.
Does it matter when it’s obvious this is a game to you
What if I were to treat you like you treat me what if I were to leave you in the cold, would you care then would I matter then?
Honey let me know, honey let me know.
Well I’ve given you the time and now I have to say

From this day foreward I’m takeing a stand.
Making up my mind
Stating the facts:
I am not your doormat anymore, so don’t treat me like I am, cause I won’t take it anymore.
You won’t drag me back in I am stronger then you now.
I’m taking my stand, digging my feet in the ground.
You can just go away nobody here cares anymore.
I’m not your doormat anymore.

You’ll come crying to me, saying honey please I’m sorry.
Well it’s too late I’ll laugh at your groveling just like you did to me.
You laughed when I had the gun pointed to my head.
You said go ahead, I’ll dance on your grave.
What if I were to point the gun at you instead, would you be laughing then???
I think I’ll experiment and see if you would, after all I’m technically you’re dead to me.
Straight from the heart you claimed your feelings were, but it was easy to see through your masquerade.
So just go away.

I’ll always care a little bit, treasure the memories
But sweetheart I’ve got to be strong and stand my ground.
You’ve pushed, you’ve poked, you’ve prodded long enough.
I’m cutting you out of my life.
You no longer matter to me.
Just go away, disappear I don’t care anymore my dear.
I hope you get the message, if you don’t you’re ignorant.
I’m not your doormat anymore, anymore, anymore.