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Random Junk
Random junk I feel like posting =O

Why I Despise Him...
Okay first off Kurt Cobain is not a guitar god as I've heard some people call him. When I hear guitar god I think of people such as Jimi Hendrix! You know the people who created a new style or added something to the world of guitar. Second off Kurt Cobain's "Tragic Death" was a glorified suicide. The media to this day portrays it as this horrible yet glorious thing. He is portrayed as a martyr when he is FAR from this. There have been many tragic deaths in rock that are overlooked for this douche's death. Take John Lenon he was a peacful guy and got shot while walking up to someone RANDOMLY!!! Then there was Dimebag Derrel (sorry if I didn't spell his name right I'm not a huge Pantera fan but I do respect him) he was shot on stage entertaining people. Everyone glorifies Kurt Cobain's suicide and it sickens me. I really feel this sets a bad example for the youth of America. I know I sound like a boring old fart or whatever you want to call me but this is MY opinion. If yours diffes GREAT we're all entitled to feel however the hell we want. Thank you Have a nice life =)

I wrote a song about Kurt Cobain:

Glorified Suicide

Sitting on the streets in 89 yelling at your friends and calling your fat. Sitting on stage in 92 your bassist throwing his guitar up in air. (BOOM knock out)are you Drunk, strung out, screwed up, depressed (check all the above) Don’t speak bad of the dead they say. This is speaking bad of the image this man had. He built it himself.

Oh society glorifies it all. Oh society beautifies the mess on the floor. Oh society prys into this private man’s “tragic life”. Oh he could have been helped he threw it all away. Now you’ve got kids thinkin’ this whole thing’s glories when it’s just a mess. Oh stop this glorified suicide. How sick this is how wrong this is it’s not beautiful! When will you learn this society?

You married a crazy girl. Flashing the camera messin’ with Madonna when will this craziness end? Love through a needle that’s what it was. (another reason to stay drug free) Control, control keep grabbing for it. Control, control you’ll find it some day! Don’t worry control, control important yes out of reach it was and out of reach it is. What were you thinking? (who the hell are you? Are you all right? Too much pressure?)Reached for help then pushed it away make up your mind!

Oh society glorifies it all. Oh society beautifies the mess on the floor. Oh society pries into this private man’s “tragic life”. Oh he could have been helped he threw it all away. Now you’ve got kids thinkin’ this whole thing’s glories when it ended with a pool of blood. Oh stop this glorified suicide. How sick this is how wrong this is it’s not beautiful! When will you learn this society?

Sitting in your living room in 94 writing your final words, your words to your wife, your friends, saying good bye. We all know the story we all feel her “pain” (Ha ha ha) BOOM SPLAT! A bloody mess! Where is the beauty in this whole situation? Where is the glory? Where is the everything? Where is the beauty? (It’s just a glorified suicide! It’s just a glorified suicide!) Kids on the streets think it’s what to do. Alone they feel but glorified they think they’ll be because of you!

Oh society glorifies it all. Oh society beautifies the mess on the floor. Oh society prys into this private man’s “tragic life”. (sung alone) Oh he could have been helped he threw it all away. Now you’ve got kids thinkin’ this whole thing’s glories when it ended with a pool of blood. Oh stop this glorified suicide. How sick this is how wrong this is it’s not beautiful! When will you learn this society?

She reads the note, the one meant for her. Exploiting your last moments.(It’s what you secretly wanted) Left behind your friends you once had, left behind your legacy of drugs and fights. Who is left? Your fans, friends, and family. A glorified suicide case! A GLORIFIED SUICIDE!! You were sick you could of gotten help. You chose not to get help, you chose to be selfish so good bye to you =)

Oh society glorifies it all. Oh society beautifies the mess on the floor. Oh society prys into this private man’s “tragic life”. (sung alone) Oh he could have been helped he threw it all away. Now you’ve got kids thinkin’ this whole thing’s glories when it ended with a pool of blood. Oh stop this glorified suicide. How sick this is how wrong this is it’s not beautiful! When will you learn this society? NEVER