Yeah, 'cause i feel like it, im gonna put a post for one of my friends' rp in here. I might forget it if i don't. be warned, it might make you cry, or it might make you mad, or both.....
Lilia smiled at the receptionist, her silver-blonde hair falling down her back in it's twin pigtails. The woman behind the desk hadn't even acknowledged her, just sent her in. She'd walked along the halway, her shoes sending noise clattering around her and breaking the silence. Wincing, she found the door that led to the main lab, and containment for the expiraments. She wondered what they were, for all she had been told was that it delt in genetics, and she was a most needed asset. A voice leaked through the crack she had made in the door when she'd opened it slightly.
"You were created. Created to give your lives to us for study. You are animals. Nothing more. You have no sire. You have no b***h mother. You have only us. And we will decide if you are strong enough to live or die."
Lilia had stared at the cages, at the line of scientists, the guards with their weapons. When one of the scientists motioned for her to continue foreward through the main isle, she gulped, and shoved her feelings behind a mask of blankness. She started walking, adn the voice started again.
" You are not human. No matter your appearance. You are an animal. A creation. A tool. A tool for our use. Never imagine you will be anything different..."
Lilia had almsot reached the raised center console where the scientists were when the noise of a small child crying drew her gaze down and behind her on her right side. Large eyes looked out at her, tears spilling from them.
" You will never know love. Animals do not love, so before you ever imagine this is berefit of your due, forget it!"
She felt her eyes begin to sting for the need to cry, but just looked. The face of a small girl came into focus, still looking right at her. Frightened blue eyes, red-rimmed from crying. Freckled cheecks, smudged with tears. Red hair, tangled and sweat darkened.
" You are nothing. You are a four-legged beast walking on two. Never forget that..."
"It hurts..." The girl's voice sob thorugh the one comming through the loudspeakers in the room. Lilia felt her heart constrict. She felt her face start to crumble, but then a guard stepped between her and the girl. Hands like velvet iron gripped her on either arm, and proppelled her foreward. She twisted, wanting to see the girl. A guard crouched there, and pointed his gun at the girl. Lilia fought, and the voice continued.
" Your ability to speak does not mean you have permission to do so.."
"No......please! STOP!" Lilia hadn't realised that she couldn't scream, and that had been whispered. The guard pulled the trigger, and the blast made the cage shift back slightly. A small hand with an arm attatched fell through the bars to hang limply. The guard stood, and returned to his post.
" God does not exist for you. God creates His children. He does not adopt animals...."
Lilia watched as the guards half-dragged, half-escorted her through another set of doors. As they closed she could still hear the voice over the loudspeaker...
" You are not human...You may look in the mirror and declare your humanity. You may tell yourself that looks are all that matter. They do not. You are animals. Created in a lab, a man-made creation, and you will serve those who made you. You are an animal. Our tools. Nothing more..."
Lilia sat straight up in bed, sweat gleaming on her body, and the still sleeping pup rolled off of her to the bedsheets. She stared at the far wall, seeing the dead girl's eyes, still glossy with tears. Slowly, her hands fisted the sheet, until the sheer preassure caused her knuckles to go white. Some part of her noted that if she didn't have the sheet to stop her nails, there would be blood. She shook her head, and got out of the bed. Going to the kitchen, she made herself a cup of hot tea. Walking to the living room, she looked into her reflection. The mirror hung on the wall, aaccented by the vase of flowers under it. Her eyes stared into her, and her voice came to her ears.
"They are not just animals...they are human, as human as I." Defiance lit her tired eyes, and she gulped down the brew, ignoring the scalding liquid as it slid down her throat. She went down to the basement, and threw herself headlong into her research.
...that made me go cold...
SaigaDaichi · Fri Jul 21, 2006 @ 07:31pm · 2 Comments |