Ā¤Name..: š¯“£š¯“®š¯“»š¯“®š¯“¼š¯“Ŗ š¯“’š¯“Ŗš¯“暯“Ŗš¯“µš¯“¬š¯“Ŗš¯“·š¯“½š¯“® Ā¤Age..: 23 Ā¤Gender..: Female Ā¤Occupation..: Worker for Queen Ā¤Height..: 5'6 Ā¤Weight..:127lb Ā¤Personality..: Very calm and thoughtful, Teresa takes her job working for the Queen very seriously. She tries to do everything as perfectly as she can with minimal mistakes. Ā¤Goals..: To become the Queens best guard Ā¤Fears..: Death and the unknown Ā¤Bad Habits..: picks at her nails, ignoring people when she feels they don't have anything meaningful to say, glaring at people Ā¤Partner..: Jarek Ā¤Back Story..: Teresa was found by the Queen at a young age in the forest. She decided to take her in and give her to one of her workers to raise instead of just leaving her for dead out in the wild. Ā¤Imperfections..: To serious for her own good sometimes, she is very closed off to people and does not feel comfortable in large crowds or situations that aren't serious. Ā¤Powers.. : None Ā¤Weapons..: sword and various small knives
Kasoday · Mon Jun 23, 2014 @ 06:13pm · 0 Comments |