"To love a vampire is to love forever. An eternity of surrender no matter the cost. A heart that never stops beating. A heart that just is." - Dracula, XxSuki No VampirexX
My name is Raven Mary Darkness Atarashi and I am not like the other girls....
My first name is Raven. When I was born the call of ravens were heard and my mother has chosen that name. She knew I was destined for darkness too. My middle name is Mary because it's pretty like a rose like my rose colored hair. My last names combine my father's last name and mother's last name.
I am a vampire and I was sent to America from Japan to protect my family and not get kidnapped by bandits or assassinated by those thirsty for The Royal Crown! I'm safe here so far. I live with my uncle Peterson Dracu'ul in Iowa now.
I am sixteen/16(in the story but older IRL tho) now so I need to find my true love and get married to restore The Atarashi Vampire Clan. The mating ritual recquires me to meet my lover, sign a Blood Contract, drink his blood, send him to Japan with me where he will go through the Sacred Vampire Trials/Blood Trials(imagine the traps in BloodRayne). He will compete for my love and for my family so we can be restored before we get extinct and I can take my proper place on the hidden throne with him and rule over all vampires ever from my homeland's kingdom in Tokyo, Japan!
But I have to fall in love first~ >///<
Thats the hardest part! </3
Little did I know that my life would change forever...
What I look like:
I have extremely straight long rose red hair(think Rapunzel length and it occasionally curls), emo bangs, super bright pink/purple eyes that sparkle like diamonds on magic glitter, I wear a school uniform(it's a serafuku top with a gray/white/black plaid skirt) or kimonos or lolita or emo or skater or scene or goth clothes(just all that is edgy), I have fangs though my teeth can be straight and shining perfcetly white, I look cute and innocent, I'm short(Kiku is the only one shorter than me since she's even more of a loli), I occasionally have emo and goth makeup but mostly just regular black make-ups with some red gray maybe even purple(the colors of the darkness in my soul), I'm curvy and have an hourglass figure, big chest, skinny, my skin is soft like porcelain dolls, and my skin is pale as the moon or lilies or moon lillies. There's no way I can be even whiter!!
My personality is:
I seem innocent yet Im not. I can have a short temper and get easily embarassed like a tsundere. I love anime and manga so that sums up my interests because I'm a bit nerdy that way. I get depressed easily(I scarred for life a long time ago many times), I don't want to be owned. I am a bit of an empowered feminist badass but I try not to be mean. I need love but I'm independant. I snap and go into Vampire Mode(which is full on berserker!!!) and I'm a totally violent and lustful monster when I fight(Vampire Mode). I am insane, bipolar, pyromaniac, depressed, schizophrenic(normal Raven and Vampire Raven/Princess Ember Anastasia are my personalities), and can be very random humor wise. I have A.D.D. which can make me non-attentive and high energy but I am definitely more fun that way. I am not like the other girls....at all. I am unique! I'm weird! I know that! ^__^ Oh and above all I am a hero of heart! Tis in my destiny~ :3
My weapon(s) and Special Abilities:
I can fly/hover/float
I can talk to animals/am very in tune with them(since I'm no human myself)
I can jump and dodge high and fast
Cat-like flexible
A katana passed down my family from generations (It's pure black) (Sometimes I use replacement swords though I'm forbidden from use with magic unless I absolutely need it and summon the spirits in it too)
A hidden dagger/kunai (For school if/when I get attacked there)
My fangs of course (But I can hide them and look like I have straight teeth)
My Vampire Powers (Eyes glow violent bright red, fangs show more, less or torn clothing, crazy wild hair and make-up, pyromania, Black Magic/Wicca, sometimes I have claws, evil aura, more strength than ever, good liar and seducer, and I can summon things)
My Demon Powers (From Demon Mode which I seldom use since it's mischeivious and though it's not as bad as Vampire Mode it can be hard to control) (Dragon wings, siren banshee shrieks, magical powers, higher speed and defense, devil horns, fanged smirk, teleportation, and can paralyze with tickling and kisses)
Ninja Skills(Been training my whole life)
I can summon a angel winged wolf named Midnight
The HeartBreaker Blade(Made from the soul of the dead princess I was reincarnated from. She committed suicide because she couldn't be with her soulmate due to war and drama.)