(WELL THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER! Hope you enjoyed this series within a series! I'll be working on the others later! Right now I need a break! ^0^ Arigato for reading!)
The Duke Saga Chapter 4
Suki no Vampire: The Duke Saga
Chp. 4 Nightmare Torture/Untitled by Simple Plan
“Your misery and hate will kill us all" -Black Parade ― My Chemical Romance How I looked to this sicko:

He rose from the grave...BUT HOW?!
Let me tell you... It had been many months since that incident of me being kidnapped and treating like a play thing by that horrible no good pure evil Duke. I still had PTSD from the first times as a courtesan on my mission with him. I had even more of that last situation! He almost forced me into wedlock even though I am just a teenager. Even if I am thousands of years old, a princess, a vampire, goth, and many other things there is only so much a girl can take before she breaks down and shatters into a million tiny little pieces. Despite being sure that we killed him because he was obliterated by me and my mother Ariel's demonic vampire abilities and our combined dark ray I still could not remove the thought he may still be around from my mind, heart, and soul or the world! He took my innocence by kidnapping me and he would only take more had it lasted longer. I was unpure. Little did I know I could be unpurer! I was uncleaned and dirty like someone wetting the bed at a sleepover party. I deserved to die for letting this happen to me. I cried myself to sleep every night during that period and would cry myself awake from the horror of the nightmares. It was pure terror and torture. I woke up multiple times a night every night so I had huge puffy bags under my eyes and my Rapunzel length red hair was in utter shambles. I wore baggy crappy clothes all the time and I couldn't even do my make-up. It was really that bad. I had no motivation whatsoever. I looked like a gothic Rapunzel redhead doll vampire version of L from DeathNote. Basically, an abomination of misery and woe. (But still pretty)
After a while my family took notice. Mostly Kiku and Uncle Dracula because I wasn't going to school from time to time it was that bad. Kiku Butterfly Atarashi decided to take a day off from school too to talk to me and help me cheer up. Uncle Dracula was also going to come home early from his job at the bank to make whatever dinner I wanted and do other stuff for me. Kiku was wearing pajamas too. She was wearing an angelic white spaghetti strap camisole night gown with lace on the collar. She had her hair in two little buns that looked Chinese and reminded of a sweet little panda. Kiku is basically a panda in personality after all! (Kawaii, shy, lovable, and hard to forget.) She was wearing baggy white yoga pants that looked casual but still match the pretty top enough. She looked so much better than me and it made me a little jealous inside. She could tell and I knew because she went into the bathroom and drew bags under her eyes with a foggy smoky eyeliner and shadow kit so we could match. I was still completely silent and fidgetting even if I smiled a tiny bit. I began to come around sort of. But Kiku got another brilliant plan. She got her powder blue butterfly comb brush and combed my hair to its natural pretty straightness then she clipped up my hair into buns to match hers with black ribbon clips. She put bows on hers too except they were white, of course. I started to giggle. Though we didn't say much this exchange really helped me get back to my old self for the time being. We hugged and had an anime marathon. We watched all our Miyazaki movies and our fave monster flicks like Van Helsing and so many more! We ate popcorn and stuff and it was like a sleepover. We couldn't stop laughing. Then my uncle got home. He looked tired from work but gave in and melted and laughed along with us we all hugged. I wanted strawberry shortcake for dinner so we baked one fresh together! Kiku got some frosting on her nose so I laughed at her then she got some on mine and then we BOTH got my uncle!
I was feeling a lot better and I went to sleep while Kiku watch me rest so she could wake me if I looked like I was having a nightmare and to make sure I rested better. I did but it still wasn't enough to fix my depression and exhaustion so I stayed home another day. My cousin Kiku left a note sticker on the mirror saying she and Youkai would be at the library studying so they wouldn't be home until at least 7 or 8. I decided to be a coach potato and just watch some T.V. I saw a drink on the coffee table just like before when The Duke gave me drugs! I squealed and knocked the drink down. I turned all the lights on and decided to watch Twilight for comfort. I held my legs, rocking back and forth, and cried a little. When I stopped crying I went back to the movie which was only 15 minutes in thank goodness! But then the power went out! I screamed! My guard was way up as I paced around the house I had a small house dragon katana from my room in my hand. (Look it up it's a samurai thing) Things seemed okay until THUD!
I wake up rubbing my sore head. I feel something weird on it. It was a bandage! My uncle and Kiku must have found me after I hit my head after holding a katana in the dark. "Damn. The power went out, I spazzed, and I hit my frickin' head...this sucks." As I became aware of my surroundings I noticed I was in The Duke's dining room with my wrists restrained to the arms of the chair. He tied me up! I tried to struggle but I wasn't strong enough without my Vampire Mode which for some reason wasn't kicking in despite the urgency!
The Duke walks in. "Hey, baby. It's been a while." He smirked like Lord Ruber from Quest For Camelot and twitched like him too. It was the creepiest thing ever. He looked like a bad cartoon villain. "Haven't you learned your lesson from before?!" I yelled at him strongly and it echoed throughout the dining hall and the rest of mansion. My voice can be as strong as siren's if need be.(I have practice with hard rock vocals) "Yes. I certainly did." He told me rubbing a sore ear. "You're not the type for commitment. I get it. We can have an open relationship. Besides, you're not still mad at me right? After our lover's quarrel and you taking a break and such..." He said smiling. In his head this was reality I think. It was weird! I looked down at my outfit. It wasn't skimpy or nasty...BUT IT WAS PREPPY! It was a basic square collar frilly victorian dress except it was hot pink! "GRRRR! I hate you!" I screamed in anger crying. This outfit was even worse than the last time! It completely went against my originality, soul, and personality! It served as another reminder that The Duke sees me as his Barbie rather than people. "Fiesty. I like that." He said walking up close to me. I got a good look at his corrupted red eyes. They were dark and hollow like his cheeks. They looked unhealthy. "I wish you'd just go away!" I said crying really hard. The tears were crystal in color and fell heavier than the fountains in Rome. My stressfulness and depression made me pass out.
I woke up. I could feel my body moving. I opened my large bright pink/purple eyes. My eyes lowered submissively from pain and exhaustion and everything else. I looked down. At least my dress was better. It was a semi-formal elegant ball gown and it also looked like a salsa dress. The top was black and went all the way to my neckline so it wasn't skimpy or preppy and it was tolerable. The sleeves were ruffly and poofy and had some dark gray parts. The skirt of the dress was a shiny dark gray and it was very layered and ruffled though it was hardly fluffy. I could feel my feet were in high heels. I couldn't examine them yet. I looked around. The Duke was right behind me! He had big bags under his eyes and he looked really pale. He looked way more like a vampire than before. He was holding me from behind in a bit of a waltzy way guiding me as my limp body slowly regained actually consciousness. "You know Raven my dear...I haven't told anyone how I required my special powers and as my girlfriend and inspiration and all you should know. You're my muse after all. On my 50th birthday I was cursing my age, cursing how I couldn't have you especially as my looks faded. I didn't age well as I grew more consumed by your perfect beauty. Then my friend who traveled around the world discovered The Fountain of Youth." "The Fountain of Youth?" I said with disbelief almost laughing my a** off as he spun me back in. "Yes, my dear. He made a serum from its waters to make an Immortality Potion! Here's the kicker." He said nudging me and smiling really goofy. (Oh Kami-sama that sounds like a rip-off of Scream) I smirked a little look at him from the corner of my eye still not buying a word but I humored him. I know his games. "What kicker would that be, Master?" "See immortality is often a gift held by vampires The Fountain of Youth's existance kept your kind so young and beautiful. My friend didn't know that. All he was clear on was how it made you live longer. Don't get me wrong I still age because my body rejects the injections sometimes but I force it down anyways. You see ever since I met you that first time I was determined to have you. So much that it consumed my life. It took over me. You the dream. The unattainable perfection. What I hated and loved thrown together. I would literally do almost anything for you." The villainous vampire Duke rambled. "Does that mean you will let me go?" I hinted lightly and smartly smiling kind of perky. "Nope." He replied smiling back with his eyes closed. "Oh." As I became more in control of my body I used him spinning me to propel myself forward with my quick feet causing me to be a tornado and escape. It didn't work because he caught me all times I tried and saw it as a fun challenge like the sick freak he is.
He even beat me some of the time I think. I had a lot of scars and bruises at least. I was tortured in ALL OF THE WAYS! I saw cuts and blood and I was chained even naked and had cuts on me like Elfen Lied. I got used to it. It was hot and cold with him. I was his love but also his punching bag and like a doll to him like a slave.
There were no mirrors in the house anymore. I found it extremely suspicious. Though the food and clothes were getting better The Duke and I had to dance every day sometimes for hours at a time. The more I looked at him the less I think of Edward Cullen and the more I think of what Robert Pattinson's corpse would look like. "Love, the potion is killing you, you know." I said pretending to be concerned. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! NO! IT'S NOT!" He said screaming and throwing chairs and things breaking them with his Vampire Strength and Rage. "Okay, okay." I said trying to calm him down but with no luck. "Just go to your room and think about what you've done to me...Raven, you're the one that's tearing me apart! I know this!" He said curling up and crying. I thought of The Room movie I hear about so much. I almost felt sorry for him and I came to approach him but he just screamed for me to leave him alone again. I decided to use this opportunity to escape. I saw that all the mansion's mirrors were broken and scattered around the dark forest near the gates. I looked into and gasped! He cut off almost all my hair! I still had my emo bands but you could tell he cut my whole ponytail off. There was also a frilly white flower headband there I didn't recognize. I started to break down but before I could cry The Duke bolted over to me and grabbed me from behind.

"That's you, Princess." "No!" I protested and disagreed slowly there was a lot of shock and trauma in this moment. I was slowly bringing my hands up to my lily white face with strawberry cheeks. I was pretty much the same but I lost my innocence again and a big part of me. It was exactly like my nightmare too! I predicted this yet I still couldn't stop it! "YES! TAKE A LONG HARD LOOK WHAT I DID TO YOUR PRINCESSLY HAIR! And you know that ressurrected me? My hatred of you and your fear of me." He made the most unforgettably evil face ever. "I'm back, baby! And I'm gonna be back forever!" "BUT BUT WE BLEW YOU UP! I was there! Everyone was there! I even did this to you!" I said finally letting my tears rain down my face in more and more strong disbelief. I felt so weak like a butterfly with a broken wing and was as beautiful. "Yes, but I am immortal for the time being and until it stops if it does you're TRAPPED!" "Trapped?" I repeated question really teary-eyed and in terror as I was reminded I was the caged bird singing back at my abusive owner. I couldn't even fly away or anything! "YES! TRAPPED!" He repeated my repetition. (Confusing and a mouthful but yeah! Then he kissed me and took me with a sweep of his cape into his room and had his way with me. I cried and screamed hoping to kick his a** but I couldn't so I passed out. It was another thing that made my dark past even darker... He also locked me in the dungeon a few times especially when we got mad at each other(this happened almost all the days and for hours and it was cold). I wouldn't doubt he did unspeakable things while I was asleep like sniff my hair or something if not WAY WAY worse like have tea parties with me or look up my dress whatever like the pervert he is. He probably did the thing we all already knew and worried about the most since as a vampire and of noble blood and I needed to bear an heir to the new throne as queen. Yes. He ****ed me. I was so innocent but no more. It cursed me. He took my innocence/virility away! He tainted the blue blooded royal's future and era and heir and other things too! My innocence died so much that my deep dark tragic past was even darker! He tortured me sometimes too. (This is why I cut myself and am emo and depressed and have triggers.) I practically screamed and cried so hard. He took it and I was no longer innocent. Yeah...he tortured me in every way and I got lots of blood and scars inside and out. This made Vampire Mode snap from time to time so I'd blank out and forget or faint or whatever she hardly did anything except shut my eyes.To preserve all I had left. It was like I had nobody and not even a plot in my own dumb story.
The next day The Duke wanted some time apart. He demanded I watch the house and not leave. I went with his requests and demands because my Vampire Mode refused to kick in. I blanked out for a little while though. "Psst! Raven! Ravy! Ravers! Wake up!" The voice sounded like mine but it had more courage and was sultry and rough sounding. It was also lower and rougher like the person was older and a smoker too! That voiced just screamed Party Animal! "WHAAAAT?" I said all annoyed because I basically gave up and didn't recognize it. "Just shut up and let me take care of this crap okay?" The voice snapped at me with fiery passion and determination. It was very serious and gritting what sounded like sharp vampire fangs. I didn't argue because I was losing my will to live and just plain didn't care. I blacked out again.
Raven was asleep but Vampire Raven(which was still me keep that mind for the POV change) was wide awake and ready to kick a** and take names!
My hair was still short but I had bloody red eyes and matching lipstick. I had a war ponytail. I changed into an all black assassin armor outfit like Assassin's Creed with a steel plate. I turned off all the lights to blend in like camouflage. I sighed to myself. Angry, ready, and determined. This wasn't just for me as a vampire but my real self too. "I know you only allow necessary blood on our hands...this has proven to be necessary. Raven, I'm saving us both. One way or another...the only reason I was gone was for careful planning and I figured it out. His body already rejects the serum. We just need to use something stronger and it will work like as a poison! Poison is the best lubricant after all." She swabbed a heavy amount of the stronger Vampire Potion she had saved. She laughed like a typical female villain would. It was very epic and pretty though especially with the confidence and all. She sounded like Morticia or Elvira as she did this. She held the glistening blade near her face proudly. "Now we play the waiting game."

The Duke entered the mansion. "Raven! Raven why did you turn all the lights off?!" He said scared feeling his way around. I was standing there right in front of him waiting for him in Vampire Mode. He feels forward and accidentally gropes my chest. (It was the breastplate don't worry. It probably felt like Transformer tits.) "Raven! Honey! There you are! You little vixen! I bet it was your plan all along! I like it!" He said his voice dragging like the ***** he was. He sounded like Herbert The Pervert from Family Guy. "Are your boobs made of steel or do you just work out?" He flirted. "Time to take your medicine, sweetheart." My Vampire Mode always has the best one liners. "What?" The Duke asked and exclaimed. He was surprised and very, very confused! She stabs him in the neck directly into a vein. "This is a stronger version of our Vampire Potion, baby. It means we can be together forever!" I said being a great liar and actress as always. I tend to lie to get what I want and it never fails to work. It's what gets me blood after all too. Like I said it's the bad side of me. "You...you didn't have to go so hard! Jesus Christ! You b***h!" He said raising his hand to slap me violently. I caught it in mid air like a ninja. "It hurts more because you love me so much." I spoke cleverly and I sounded pretty sexy and dominant and cool with doing it. It was a bit like BloodRayne. "Huh?" He said before evaporating into ashes and dust.
My Vampire Self goes back into my head to talk to me.
"What happened?" I asked meekly and confused. I looked super cute and innocent while doing it especially in contrast with my Vampire Mode who is so super crazy and destructive usually. She was HellFire. I was Heaven's Light. "We killed him, Princess." She said folding her arms, smirking to reveal a shiny white fang, raising her head, and closing her eyes expecting applause. "Okay. I gotta hand it to you. You did what we needed rather than just what you wanted to do. Arigato." I wrap my arms around her neck pressing my cheek to hers sweetly like a sister. "Hey, hey. Enough with the sappy crap! I saved you and our exchange is over now. B-" She tried to dismiss herself because my niceness made her angry, off guard, and uncomfortable as her exact polar opposite. I cut her off. "You know...you actually have a lot of heart for someone who claims theirs was shattered. Maybe it's growing back!" I said cheerfully, optimistically, and cutely. It was also to make light of it all. She blushed a little. "Shut up."
Then I was back in the real world. "But wait how do we know he's dead for sure?" I asked by my lonesome. Then I saw a talisman and scroll written in Japanese in English it said:
"Dear Princess,
This is a one way ticket to Hell. Use it on you-know-who only. Read the chant as follows:
All demons are sin All demons even in ash deserve a burial Send this soul to depths of Hell where it belongs Or take my soul instead!"
I said the chant and I could practically HEAR those ashes going to Hell.
I summoned my family pet and spirit guardian flying wolf named Midnight. She's all dark night blue black, has shiny glowing red eyes, and pure white angel wings that look like a deadly hawk's. She has the sharpest black claws in the entire world. I flew back to my uncle's house on her back as she howled and we flew into the sunset then the moon! All my friends and family there at the time came up and hugged me. "Raven, where did you go?" Youkai asked all sad. They were all crying but he was the only one who spoke up at the time since he's the bluntest one despite being a tad bashful himself. He was wearing a gray black tanktop that had white anarchy symbol iron-ons and "My Chemical Romance" printed on it since it was band shirt. He had one spike collar bracelet and matching necklace on as well as black moon eyeliner and lipstick. He also had his silver chin piercing in and his big fluffy black gray ears had a lot of gold and silver rings put in. He had his regular scene/emo black hair swoop. He had on black Insane Clown Posse red and black Tripp pants with many, many chains! They were super baggy too! "I finally killed The Duke." I told them in disbelief and in pride. I said it slowly, quietly, and seriously but they heard and understood a bit. "Wait...that pervert we exploded is still alive?" Kiku exclaimed very concerned and confused. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt with a pastel rainbow on it and a little white shirt vest with some poof. She had on a short white frilly layer skirt. Her glowingly cyan sky dream hair was in a topknot bun restricted from its flowy spiked nature. She had her big scene black thick-rimmed glasses on. She was very casual today. She had no socks and some tiny wedding white tap shoes for some odd reason! Probably because she's unique! "Yeah. That hatred reanimated him and my fear gave him a lot of power but I'm not afraid anymore. I sent him to Hell where he belongs." I said proudly describing my struggles and the gist of things to the best of my abilities stroking my new hair a little bit. "So you're fearless now?" Kira said wrapping his arm around me. He was wearing a navy short sleeve shirt with black and gray skull argyle patterns making an emo, goth, and hipster geek pseudo-sweater. He had on slightly less tight blue with gray and fading skater jeans that had a big silver chain on the pocket. He had on some simple punk gray plaid slip on sneakers. He had a big, dangly, black cross chain necklace on. He had many silver piercings in his ears. "Mostly! Haha." I said scratching the back of my head cutely with an anime sweatdrop appearing on my head. I smiled a little but blushed a LOT! It was a heavy powder pink of passion! The entire group laughs a lot. "What happened your hair though?" My uncle Peterson Dracu'ul(Dracula) asked me very sad looking and scared. "The Duke decided to play barber!" We laughed though we knew it was terrible. Luckily I grow my hair super fast anyways. It'll be back to the same in a month or less which my friends reminded me of anyways since I brought it up. Until then I'm lookin' like Kairi from the Kingdom Hearts series or a hot trap shota emo boy! I try to find optimism in everything though I hate happiness because I'm goth. The Duke was never around so I magically forgot him!
The End.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Thu Sep 20, 2012 @ 02:20am · 3 Comments |