Dear Chelsea, Well I have known you for a very long time now and I have something to say to you. You are probably one of the most AWSOME people I know!!!!! No, for real... I think that you need to take a good long hard look at the way you let people see you. I mean to adults you try and be that perfect child... to kids your age you try and be the best friend you can be to THEIR likes. Then you sit silently at home showing your true self. The you that sits alone even when surrounded by people. The you that can never say a nice thing about yourself. The you that writes about things that scare you and destroy you. The things that sometimes you just want to feel. Like love. You want love... yet you know when you find it something will happen and you will loose it. Or that love destroys your heart... shattering it to millions of pieces. I watch you... I know how you are. I know that no one knows how you act when alone. You cry. You cry you curse you sit and waste away. Your mind runs wild with ideas of how to make other peoples lives worse than your own so you can feel better about yours. Yet when you are with them you dont do any of it... which is a good thing... but you think it none the less. But the real you not even your parents know. I just want you to know that I know how you feel
Vampiress Alexandria · Thu Apr 13, 2006 @ 09:59pm · 0 Comments |