Vampires Vs. Werewolves Part 1 |

Today was an ordinary crappy old school day about third period when I bumped into Kira. I walked right into him because I was spacing out and not paying attention at all due to my imagination and A.D.D. My nose bumped his his firm chest and it hurt. I almost teared up a little but held back so my eyeliner wouldn't run. I was mad and didn't notice it was him so I blew off at him with massive serious anger! "Oh. My. Kami. You a**! Watch where you're going, BAKA!" I screamed and everyone stared. "Stop staring!" I yelled and they all stopped because they're afraid of how tough I am. "Raven, Raven...cool it. It's me, Kira." He said blushing a little with a sweatdrop on his head. He forced a smile because he was a little annoyed too. "Oh! Oh!" I said almost crying. "Gomenasai, Kira-kun! I couldn't tell it was you! So sorry..." I squeaked. "It's okay but you need to control your anger a little. You almost hit me.....and I KNOW you hit kinda hard." He said relaxing. He was twirling the hair in his long blue fringe. He was so cute all my sadness and anger melted away. "Y-yeah..." I blush even more. It was super hot and red on my pale doll skin. The contrast was heavy and noticable. Kira was blushing too. We both knew we had a crush on each other by now and were in love but we are both too passive to make the first move. Awkward stuff like this happens all the time now. "I need you to do something for me, princess." He said. I trembled a little as he called me princess. "'kay...YOU NAME IT! I'LL DO A-ANYTHING!" My voice raised all squeaky and embarassed like a moe girl in an anime. "I need you to show my friend around school while I study for my Geometry test. Can you do that for me?" "Yes! Hai! Yes, yes! I will! I would do anything for you 'cause..." "Anything?" He said leaning over me he almost put his arm around me. My blush got more prominent this was going to be my first kiss I thought but then he reached into his locker and grabbed a school map. He handed it to me mid daydream. "I need you to show Youkai around. He's Japanese like us and he's weird too. You'll probably like him." "Hm...." I said all annoyed I did not get kissed. I almost wanted to punch him but I remembered I cannot because I am in love with him and promised I would not. I calmed down and thought about his words. "Weird...? How so?" I thought almost out loud. "You'll see..." He said mysteriously and sexy and I think he smiled.
Later I meet his friend... Much like Kira he had a full black gakuran school uniform. He has yellow owlish eyes with slit pupils, his skin was pale, he has long black emo hair which you could tell he dyed a lot, he had long painted cool black nails, fangs, and he wore a pure black spike collar. Even the spikes were black on that thing! He had pointed black ears which were so fuzzy they could pass for fakes you can get at conventions and Halloween stores. He was almost as tall as Kira or taller and was even skinnier or muscular if you could believe it! He has black eyeshadow and eyeliner. You can tell he was hardcore into the goth scene. He even modified his school uniform to have a hood. It looked like a skater hoodie and he had an anarchy pin. It was probably against the dress code but you could tell he did not give a s**t. My vampire senses picked up a heavy vibe. It was a vibe of opposition because Kira's new friend was......a werewolf! I got angry remembering the years of the wars and how his people killed mine. Vampires and werewolves were commonly mortal enemies and one of the only things that can kill a vampire permanently were these beasts. I tried my best to hold back my rage and be quiet but he could smell it. Kira's wolfy buddy could smell my rage and my race in a way humans couldn't. We rushed for each other. "Who are you?" He said as we had a stand off. Our eyes met. Our colorful non-human eyes locked with hate. "I am Raven....and you're Kira's friend.....what's your name?" "Had I known that Kira befriended vampires I never would have started going to this dumb Iowan school." He growled at me showing a glint of his gleaming white fangs. I showed him a fang and spoke. "Oh, I'm the only vampire here aside from my cousin and I'm not just any vampire." I folded my arms and cocked my head as I looked up at his intimidating height getting over a level of fear and anxiety to brag and possibly scare him. "Hm..." He quietly growned in a low manly voice. "Smells like..." He loudly sniffed the air then his eyes popped he looked in an entirely different direction and at the cafeteria awkwardly. "Royalty..." He finished his sentence off. I was happy because I almost went mad grammar nazi on him. (Well, it's true I've always been like that silly or not) "No that's the cafeteria peas. Don't trust 'em." I joked cleverly. "So the princess of all vampires has a mouth." He folded his arms too like a cool bodyguard. "Yup. She does." I smiled a lot. "Let's go." He demanded.
I showed him around the school and we were mostly quiet the whole time. I cut class with him just to show him everything. Suddenly out of nowhere after showing him to an elevator he blurted out some words. "You know-" He started in a sweet voice but I cut him off. "What? Now you're talking? What took you so long? Ugh! You're confusing me!" I snapped and stomped my feet. "Maybe vampires and werewolves can get along..." "Nani?" I stopped freaking out because I was caught off guard. I blushed a little like I always do especially when I get emotional. "We should be friends. I heard you ramble this whole time and almost everything you said I have in common with you despite our obvious differences." He said slowly breaking into a smile. "Really?! I thought I pissed you off by being so insane today and by being a vampire and stuff..." I said a bit annoyed that I did not realize what a nice guy he was. "I just get quiet when I agreed with what people say or when I get emotional..." "I'm the opposite when I get emotional I just ******** scream." I said smiling up as the tension wore off. We both laughed out loud. We practically fell on the floor laughing at that.
We stayed in the basement and talked about boys, goth fashion, anime, our pasts, and many other things we had in common until the bell finally rang. "Aww." We both said in unison. His ears went down. "I had such fun with you, Youkai. I wish it would never end!" "We can just be friends and meet up here everyday. Let's take Kira too and all our other friends. I need people like you around to help me fit in." Youkai Kami Wolfheart said wagging his tail. "How did you meet Kira anyways?" I asked curiously cocking my head super cute. I put a finger up to my gasping mouth. "I met him at the church. My family is big into Christianity." "Mine too!" "Yeah....." "You know who I should bring?" "Who?" He asked. "My cousin! We should bring her to the school basement. She's my best gal pal and like a twin to me." I said glowing with excitement. "Kiku? Yeah. She seems nice." "You'd like her." "I would if she is anything like you and Kira." "She is except she's a weird kind of goth like seapunk I think...." I said contemplatively thinking and looking smart while doing so.
Then we said "Goodbye!" after exchanging numbers. I called Kira later that night where I was in my big, baggy, black sweet lolita dress, matching headband bow, black stockings, and I had my hair down after taking a nice long bath. "I knew you'd like him. He's a tiny bit like you as a guy." Kira joked and made a handsome laugh. I giggled a little. "Hai...I was surprised he was so willing to give me dating and boy advice and talk about that stuff..." I told my love smilingly. "Hahaha. He's bi." "Nani?" I said all surprised. "Yeah, he is very into guys and girls especially those of the anime variety. It's the only art he likes." Kira said casually and calmly so I was worried. I almost asked Youkai myself. "Has he hit on you?" I replied all depressed. "No. I told him I love someone already." He said. "Who?" I said curiously hoping he would confess more directly. Then the power went out. I ran down the stairs screaming and crying. "UNCLE PETERSOOOOON!" I whimpered and yelled in a squeaky voice. "What's wrong, Raven?" He walked up to me holding a candle. The bright candlelight glinted on our pure white shining faces giving them more sparkle and glow than ever before especially versus the contrast of the pitch blackness that was outage we just experienced. "I...I...I..." I stuttered massively. I was so convinced I almost found love and could do the marriage ritual and blood trials. I was so ready I thought. "Do you have your period?" He asked stupidly, flatly, and kind of meanly as he set down the candle on a stool ready to hug me and comfort me for that dumb a** reason. As he got closer I slapped him repeatedly and said "BAKA! BAKA! BAKA!" The whole neighborhood heard and I was probably so mad that I did not even care despite having a good day these moments felt like they ruined my whole life. I ran into my room without about apologizing and slashed one of my wrists. The power went back on so I called Kira.
To be continued...
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Tue Jul 03, 2012 @ 09:34pm · 1 Comments |