
WingsLeo yawned, stretching his wings and sitting up, rubbing his eyes. The boy had decided that there was no better time for a nap than the present, so he had fallen asleep on the roof of the school he would be going too, too lazy to actually go home and take a nap there. What was the point? He would just be going back to the school after not too long, anyhow. It was just easier this way, it saved energy. Looking around, the brunette wondered where Okuni was hiding at. Probably off on her lonesome, as usual. The serious teacher, though he would never admit it, attracted him. Sure, she was probably ten times stronger than him, he was only a C rank, after all, and always seemed to be chastising him for lazing off like he so enjoyed doing, but he couldn’t help it. There was nothing wrong with trying to change her into a more… Pleasurable person to be around, right? Especially since she was so serious. The angel knew that, somewhere, there was a girl with a soft heart and a laughing voice just waiting to break out. If he could get to her, it would be perfect. They could be perfect. The idea of it made him sigh softly and smile. He stood up and stretched, his white wings fluttering out before coming back in as he looked around in the sky, searching for the teacher.
█▌#552200 █▌#886633 █▌tan █▌rosybrown █▌indianred █▌saddlebrown █▌sienna
[img:35be38a554]http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lki7bktZnl1qhigt0o1_400.gif[/img:35be38a554] [b:35be38a554] I like roleplaying, music, and anything artsy. Photography, drawing, whatever. I do it all.[/b:35be38a554] [/color:35be38a554][/size:35be38a554][/align:35be38a554]
awesomecacy · Sat Feb 25, 2012 @ 03:08am · 0 Comments |