Revelin Creighton Case File - Doctor Records - Public Folder
Full Name: Revelin Creighton Nickname: Gender: Male Date of Birth: 11/11 Origin of Birth: King's Lynn, England Age: 29yrs Height: 6'11" Weight: 253lbs Eye Color: Gray Hair Color: Orange/Blonde Blood Type: AB- Occupation: Teacher Nationality: British Appearance: "I'm perfect." is Revelin's description of his body. And he is. His hair is soft and very light, the color a warm honey orange. It falls to his shoulders and just between his shoulder blades though he pulls it back when he's teaching. His skin is smooth and unblemished, a natural tan in color and he takes care to keep it that way. His eyes are slightly shaped, the slant more from his way of looking down at people then any genetics. The color is gray, an almost purple gray that seems to capture every bit of light and reflect them back on his features. His nose is rather strongly shaped but fits his face and rests above slim but well shaped lips. His jaw is smooth and tapered and his English heritage shows through in the lines of his cheekbones. He has strong hands with blunt but well handled fingers that can pick any lock. Moving onto his upper abdomen, Revelin is not in short supply. He's kept his body in perfect shape since he was 18 and being a teacher hasn't stopped that. His chest is wide and toned, his shoulder broad and his arms are defined by muscle and bone. There is only the fat necessary to keep him warm. He has a completely pack on his stomach and his waist is trim. His legs are the longest part of his body and he is a constant runner so he's muscled along his thighs as well. Clothing: Suits, suits, suits! Oh how Revelin loves his suits. While he may not wear a full suit while teaching, he wears suit pants, tie, button down shirt and vests. Depending on the day, he may wear pinstipes, funky colors, black on black, white on white or gray as well as any other type he wants to wear. When he's not teaching, he's in pants, a loose shirt and a vest. When he's fighting, he simply throws a knee length jacket with high collar over his clothes and calls it an outfit. Anything less then a suit isn't worth calling real clothes.
Revelin Creighton Case File - Academy Records - Private
True Cross Academy Job: AP History Exorcist Rank: Middle 2nd Class Affiliation: Exorcist Base of Operations: True Cross Academy Meister Primary Type: Knight Meister Primary Type Ability: War god - - - - - -Character Choice of Weapon: Edged Weapons
Weapon Name: Roseclere Saffron Type of Weapon: English Sabre Weapon Descriptive Appearance: One of the true Templar blades, Revelin discovered it in the ruins of an old church. He took the blade back and polished it, sharpening and bringing it back to its glory by reenforcing it with stainless steel. He created a hilt and a sheath for it as well, creating a new sword from the original sacred blade. The blade itself is smooth, flat and 26inches of perfectly sharpened steel, the original blade encased in the new mirror polished metal. Overall, the sword is 33inches with the intricately detailed guard and crest with matching helm pommel. Weapon Image Appearance: Roseclere Saffron
Meister Secondary Type: Aria Meister Secondary Type Ability: Sphere Boundary
- - - - - -Technique Name: Further To The Cross, Kneel In Thine Repentance Verse: And when the moonlight peeprs across the rooftops, Of this great city, wondrous though it be, I scarcely feel its wonder or its laughter... I'm once again back home in Inisfree. I wander o'er green hills through dreamy valleys, And find a peace no other land would know. I hear the birds make music fit for angels, And watch the rivers laughing as they flow. And then into a humble shack I wander -- My dear old home -- and tenderly behold, The folks I love around the turf fire, gathered. On bended knees, their rosary is told. Classification:Defensive Range: 80ft Verse Background: Celtic Verse Description: Revelin raises his arm straight up, light gathers at the tip of his middle finger and he swings his hand down, dragging the light through the air. The light becomes fire in the air, blue and gold in color, and then spreads into the form of wings that bend back and around him and anyone standing within 5ft of him. The wings retain their general shape but appear as a slightly transparent, slightly reflective feathered egg in shape. Demons (low to middle rank) who have possessed a human cannot pass through the flames without being forced out of the human. Its only a defense though and can't harm the demon other then that. The flames cannot harm humans. Lasts 8posts but Revelin cannot use any attacks while inside it and he must remain inside for it to be effective Verse Ritual: Revelin must raise his RIGHT hand and bring it down fully to lay flat on the ground. Otherwise it gaps at the bottom.
- - - - - -Technique Name: My Father, May He Slight Thee Verse: Siúil, siúil, siúil a rúin Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liom Is go dté tú mo mhúirnín slán
I wish I was on yonder hill 'Tis there I'd sit and cry my fill Until every tear would turn a mill
I'll sell my rod, I'll sell my reel I'll sell my only spinning wheel To buy my love a sword of steel
Siúil, siúil, siúil a rúin Siúil go sochair agus siúil go ciúin Siúil go doras agus éalaigh liom Is go dté tú mo mhúirnín slán Classification: Offensive and Defensive Range: 200ft Verse Background: Celtic Verse Description: Light gathers on and around Revelin's hands, forming crosses on the backs his hands. Bringing his hands together, Revelin will close his eyes and mutter the words "la mia preghiera, il mio potere, ti bandire le restrizioni di tuo padre di" and the crosses pass through his hands and into his palms. The light is now on the inside of his palms and, thrusting his LEFT hand out, Revelin sends crosses of large proportions at the attacking demons (one cross can take out a low level demon or excise one that has possessed a human). He is not limited to just one cross though and can send out many as needed (limit of 48 ) at one time. They only come from his LEFT hand. But when he places his right hand behind the left, the cross on his hand expands into an elaborate shield that can repel physical attacks. By repeating the same words that summoned the crosses over the shield, Revelin can keep the shield attached to his left arm to prevent further physical attacks while attacking with his right. Verse Ritual: Revelin must say the words "la mia preghiera, il mio potere, ti bandire le restrizioni di tuo padre di" over his clasped palms before the crosses can be effective against demons.
- - - - - -Technique Name: My Silver Joan of Arc Verse: See her as she flies Golden sails across the sky Close enough to touch But careful if you try Though she looks as warm as gold The moon's a harsh mistress The moon can be so cold
Once the sun did shine And lord it felt so fine The moon a phantom rose Through the mountains and the pine And then the darkness fell The moon's a harsh mistress It's hard to love her well
I fell out of her eyes I fell out of her heart Classification: Offensive Range: 3-4inches covering his body Verse Background: Celtic Verse Description: Revelin must be in a calm and peaceful state of mind for this to work. Light and flames being to appear and gather around his figure, cloaking him from his ankles to his throat, shoulders to finger tips and pieces of it rise up to cover his cheeks and wrap in a band around his head.. It burns only those who touch it and doesn't cause him any harm. It appears to harden into an armor made of crystal but is only the flames and light being contained around his body. Moving in this armor, Revelin's movements are not hindered (bending his limbs, the armor moves like liquid away from his joints) nor is it very heavy. Revelin uses this primarily when fighting with his Roseclere Saffron. When the demon is rendered imobile, Revelin extends his LEFT (to banish) or RIGHT (to excise) on the body. Verse Ritual: Must be in a calm and peaceful state of mind. Must touch the demon/possessed to have any effect.
- - - - - -Technique Name: Wrath of the Apostles, Devastation of the Damned Verse: In the morning when you rise I bless the sun, I bless the skies I bless your lips, I bless your eyes My blessing goes with you
In the nighttime when you sleep Oh I bless you while a watch I keep As you lie in slumber deep My blessing goes with you
This is my prayer for you There for you, ever true Each, every day for you In everything you do
And when you come to me And hold me close to you I bless you And you bless me, too
When your weary heart is tired If the world would leave you uninspired When nothing more of love's desired My blessing goes with you
When the storms of life are strong When you're wounded, when you don't belong When you no longer hear my song My blessing goes with you
This is my prayer for you There for you, ever true Each, every day for you In everything you do
And when you come to me And hold me close to you I bless you And you bless me, too
I bless you And you bless me, too Classification: Offensive Range: 4yrds (Square 1yd x 1yd x 1yd x 1yd) Verse Background: Celtic Verse Description: To use this technique, Revelin would have to be cornered, have no other out and be alone against an enemy. Calling out his verse, Revelin includes the words "Wrath of the Apostles, I damn you.". White fire billows out from under him and surges to the left and right of him. It races past all barriers and burns through anything it comes into contact with. Once it reaches 1yd in one direction it turns and turns an turns, completing a full square. From then on any demon, whether human possessed or not is trapped inside it...but so is Revelin. It takes at least a half hour (2posts) for it to fully activate. The fire begins to roll from all sides and connects in the middle, shaping a cross that blazes upwards into the sky. Everything is incinerated that is touching the ground or of demonic persuasion. Verse Ritual: Must say the verse aloud and add the words 'wrath of the apostles, I damn you' to the end. To escape the burning effects, Revelin must jump from the ground at the exact time. If he doesn't, he risks being flung into the air and suffering burns though it won't destroy him.
Revelin Creighton Case File - Vatican Records - Classified
Exorcist Database Name: (You will recieve this name once you are approved to be a teacher) Status: ALIVE Personality: A mellow teacher with a firecracker inside. He enjoys teaching but heaven help the student who sleeps in his class or says/does something he doesn't like. He's not above physical violence. Revelin has high expectations of his students and has even higher expectations of his fellow teachers. He's a sweetheart to the students who try hard and holds nothing against someone for believing something different. Hobbies: Origami, braiding, correcting all the mistakes in books he borrows from the library. Likes: Food(any kind of food), men, women, his students, his fellow teachers, teaching Dislikes: Prejudice, hatred and things that smell weird Relatives: James Creighton(Deceased)- Father, died before he was born. Ruth Macy Creighton(Deceased)- Mother, abandoned Revelin and his older brother when they were little just after Revelin turned 3. Alastair Creighton(Alive)- Older brother, raised Revelin as a child until they were taken in by ____________. ____________ supported them while having Alastair __________ (rest of the file is classified.) Revelin and his brother are very close and he receives letters from his brother almost monthly and sometimes weekly. ______________(Alive), Foster parent, classified History: Born a week and a half after his father was gunned down in the streets, Revelin was raised, almost from birth, by his older brother Alastair. After their mother abandoned them, Alastair moved them to a church run by a retired exorcist. Both brothers were soon inducted into the church and became choir boys. Alastair was well on his way to becoming an ordained priest when Revelin was abducted by an unknown man who had been possessed by a demon. Revelin himself does not remember what happened while he was in the demon's possession but he was missing for well over a month. The first thing he remembers is his brother bursting into the room where he was being held with a man named ____________. He never discovered what happened to the demons who abducted him or why _____________ helped them but he and his brother lived with _______________ until Revelin joined True Cross Academy with his brother. Working his way through the academy, Revelin was, at first, a lax student. But by the time he was a 4th year, he was well known for his attacks, his techniques and his way with the ladies. Alastair graduated a year ahead of Revelin and began work in ______________(Classified). Revelin, not fond of field work in the slightest, stayed on to teach at the academy, choosing to torture students with pounds of homework rather then excise demons.
astrasinthewild · Mon Oct 31, 2011 @ 04:19pm · 0 Comments |