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Ok, so it's been a long time since my first entry, and considering I'm 21... things have obviously changed. So here's the newly updated version of my 1st entry.

My looks:
-hair:still brown, at medium length, and wavy with bangs.
-eyes:blue (with small glasses)
-height:5'1(yes I know, I'm still short) whee
-age: 21
-grade:Senior in college
-race:pale white 3nodding
-sex: female

tv:don't watch it as much. But when i do it's abc family, or comedy central.
movies:comedies, fantasies, slashers & some random LGBTQ genres thrown in. 4laugh
color: purple
dessert:cheesecake and strawberry cheesecake... still, hehe.
meat: turkey
candy: Twix, cookies & cream hershey bar & aerated chocolates.
saying: holy shiz-nit, crap-ola, dang it, dude, snap-crackle-&-popcorn-chicken

*best friends:
Megan Tellado= She's been there for me since the Kindergarten. She's unique, awsum, and a great friend who can always make me laugh no matter what the problem is. I Love her tremendously, and always will. heart
My Mom: yes, i put my mom on here, and I'm not ashamed to. Mom has been the light in my life, and no matter what I have dun, she has always been there to help me through the darkness. I'm GREATLY lucky to have her in my life. If it were not for her, I wouldn't be the person i am today. I Love You momma! heart
Well, that about wraps it up. Sorry for lengthyness of it, lol. XD