"So, Kuro, how are you about training so far?" asked a bird masked man. Kuro was looking at his hands. "Its... different. It feels more... useful? I dont know how to put it, other than it feels right." "Heh, you're a strange one. Most adults hate this, but you take to it like a fish to water. Im honestly a bit jealous." said another, this one a female. "I couldnt move after the first three days, but at the rate you heal you dont even get muscle pain." The leader of this training group sighed. "Thats the only problem, he cant build up anymore muscle." The four of them had been out training, and all three of them had been warned about Kuro's threatening ability. Still, they treated him more like a person than anyone else he'd known. The team was large for an ANBU group, but that was due to training purposes. Arari, the man in the bird mask was a fresh recruit, just out of training, and was on the mission for experience and back up. Tira, the girl, was another trainee like Kuro. She'd been scouted for completing a A-Rank mission when her team was wiped out. Their leader was a man that called himself Rook, not his real name as to make sure that if they failed the training, they couldn't reveal who he was under duress. Kuro had been with them for a month at this point, learning how to maximize the use of his physical and mental abilities, and every six days they'd had a scouting mission- faked, but with real threats. They had been in a mock village before, but had now moved into a forested area. Rook began speaking. "Today we're moving on into strike training. As ANBU, we hunt missing nins and take on the S-Rank missions that require us to put our lives on the line. At first, the training and tests will be in teams of two, an ANBU and trainee, then with both Trainees versus the initiated. The final will be a race between the two trainees to take out a target." "Kuro, you're with me, Arari and Tira will work together today. Every three days, we will switch partners until part two. The test mission is in two days, your job will be to incapacitate the target without killing him. There will be guards and traps, and you will be timed. Any questions?" Both Tira and Kuro shook their heads. The setup was similar to the last training. "Alright. We'll meet back here in two days to start the mission. Dismissed." The two teams split up into the forest, neither looking back.
"Rook, we both know my strength isnt going to improve from this." Kuro grunted as he tried to lift a rock bigger than a cart. "No, this is to test your stamina- that part is more mental than physical anyway." "Ive been doing this for five hours...." "So?" "So at least talk or something. It gets boring just trying to lift a rock not using chakra." Rook shrugged. "What do you want to talk about." "How about the level of danger? I dont want to kirk out on these guys because they accidentally try to pull a fatality." "Point taken. It shouldnt be too bad, any poison used is in doses low enough to make you sick, but not fatal. The weapons will be sharp, but if you use your brain instead of barreling through the front you should be alright. These guys are average warriors, and a few people who flunked out of the academy, not trained soldiers or mercs. Four hour mark. You're done- tired yet?" "A little, but not physically. Its weird, I used to get tired all the time. Now, I blink and its all better." Rook shrugged. "Im not a doctor, but I tend to notice things. You said your points were different, but Im thinking that its more that they've been warped by whatever is inside you. And I think it multiplied your healing ability when it killed those guys, so the lactic acid in your muscles doesnt build up." "Not a doctor huh?" "You work on a battlefield, you learn some basic medicine. Now moving on..."
Azzy Rael · Sat Oct 09, 2010 @ 06:40am · 0 Comments |