Even though I have a broken heart I still love myself enough to go....With God by my side I can do anything....I never told anyone how I truely feel.....I wish I could but I don't feel right letting people in....It's the hardest thing to do is to close yourself off from the world......Sometimes you need someone to understand....The hardest is to not beable to tell the people your suppost to be there for you and friend don't even care about your fellings but there own selves......All I want is love in my life that's all I ask for......Is it so hard to be friends with people so far from your world the world you believe is real.....I've seen so much and I'm only 21 years old people probly won't believe any of this but it's all true I can't seem to get a hold of myself...Sometimes I just want to past on to the world God made for us that is perfect..... crycryingemosad