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View User's Journal

Random Junk
Random junk I feel like posting =O
Caption Contest 9/13/09 - 9/20/09
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Rules: Keep it PG-13 and don't take it too seriously this is all for fun heart
Contest is open from September 13 until September 20


You know, none of the ladies listen. I tell them they don't want to sleep with me. Until that is, I give them this,'s crabs.


The man asked himself as he held on to his catch. "Will this turn into a beautiful mermaid if I were to kiss her."
While the lobster (or whatever that thingy is) contemplated as the man held on to her. "Will he turn into a really hawt guy if I pinch him?"


its a local with an ugly saw

"Dude!! That came outta your pants?!!!"