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The world of Cless
A human in a world of demons, vampires, monsters, and other what nots. He strives to be who he is and what he is, and no one can change that
Well here's another entry in my journal. It has been quite some time since I've graced these hallowed halls. Hah. I don't know who all reads what's up with the ole Cless man but today brings me back just because I have to get something off of my chest. Ole Leo the Lip wasn't lying when he said "Nice guys finish last". And why do nice guys finish last in the first place. I've no idea, could someone please tell me? I guess I should really get to the point of what this journal entry is about. Women women women. Yep women. Can't live with them, can't live without them. Some of the most retarded people on the planet are women. At least in my experience they are. Now I know I have loads of women who are my friends, and just that friends. I can't account this rant to every woman I know, just every woman I've pursued. Seems I have a knack for chasing women who have issues. Past relationship issues, present relationship issues and issues with me apparently. I'm 25 years old and am tired of meeting interesting women who shut me down before I get a chance to even know them. We may become friends but all chances at possibly pursuing any type of relationship is instantly shut down. I bring up my most recent endeavor. A young lass of nearly 20. She is my room mates sister and she seems really cool and what not. So naturally I want to get to know someone before I make a decision to pursue them in a relationship. How do you get to know someone, well you talk to them. All I have to do when I'm off work is really talk to people and anyone who knows me can attest to the point that if you get on facebook I usually assault you with IMs because I am bored. Well it has only been 3 or 4 days and i have only talked to her three times on face book and the first day that I met her because she was hanging out at my place. So my bud tells me that from conversations he has both been in and around to hear that she thinks I like her and is uncomfortable with it because she is still hung up on her ex and wants to get back with him. To which I reply I was just trying to be friends. So that's pretty much the same thing that happened to me the past three times I've tried to pursue a woman. Different circumstances for each but I wont go into that downward spiral of depression. So yea, I'm about to kill some peeps on COD4 in preparation for Modern Warfare 2 and try and take away some of my pent up frustration. Ladies, I've got nothing against you, but I'm going to be swearing you all off until I'm an officer in the Air Force. Maybe by then, I'll be deemed worthy of your favor or be somewhat desirable...

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Vei Vigrith
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Sep 11, 2009 @ 01:03am
Bud, allow me to list some of the reasons why you shouldn't be upset over least with this particular case...

1.) Age: When a child turns 20 and is either cute or hot they tend to think that every man with eye's is out to get them or apperently saying hello on facebook is now the new "Get over here I want to rape you,". Not to mention, and although I know each case has it's own circumstances, most 20 year olds are still in the teenage phase of life where logical reasoning is overcasted by hormonal imbalance.

...okay that's all I could really think of actually but trust me bud, like I tell my brother, finding the right woman for you takes time. Otherwise we'd all be married by the age of four. Also, being an officer in the military is grand and all, but I hope your judge of character becomes EPIC because those issues laiden, money grubbings hoe's will only come in full force if they think you can promise them a retirment package.

Now ladies, I'm not maiming all of you, but you can't blame me for being worries about my bud. As he stated, not all ladies are like that and I know it. It's just funnier to read when I say things like that. mrgreen Not to mention I think I made him laugh so I rule.

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