Thorne Sirey

Age: Sixteen
Race: Demon(Familiar)
Personality: Thorne was a spazzy girl prone to uncontrollable rages. She was a good friend, but she was easily made jealous. She would hurt friends and family to drive people away from them.
Sexuality: Straight Dom Or Sub
Past: Thorne was born in Hell, to a very powerful demon. She was training to be a deceiving warrior when she got talked into her own trap by a human necromancer outside of her dais. She became A'Kira's demon familiar and contact with Hell.
Written description: Thorn is 4'9, pixie-builded, with yellow-ish pale skin. She had purple hair in a pixie-cut, ram's horns, and bat wings, as well as yellow, pupil-less eyes.
Powers: Usual demon powers.
Characters seen with: A'kira Spirit
Song: Get Stoned, Hinder
OverlordLunacy · Sat Jun 06, 2009 @ 12:30pm · 0 Comments |