color o teh day: ... idk.... today's been so topsey-turvey... i think at first it was a yellow, then a deep almost black red, and then a nice gold, then a guilty black. neutral evil mrgreen burning_eyes
goin swimming tomorrow, btw.
okay, so back to the events of today. in cronoligacal order! biggrin 6:00 am: wake up (reluctently), feel like crap, brush teeth, get dressed, etc etc 7:15 am: chamber starts and Mrs.P makes us play Rondino bu ourselfs (no conductor) its a very ahrd peice and we totally fell apart and felt like s**t and Mrs.P got really ticked off. 8:05 am: see jordan, feel happy again 10:30 am: Kick Kennys a** because he wont stop kicking my butt pervertedly --nothing interesting happens until the afternoon-- socail studdies, pm, idk what time exctally: Mrs.K comes in and helps us with fordcasting for RHS BORING! i get extreamly ticked at the world for being stupid and for the school for having FOUR bad programs and ONE orchestra program and then get even madder (is that a word...?) when i remember all the things that band gets (the HUGE room, the extra storage room, the stands, the nice whiteboard, the nice podium, the nice EVREYTHING ) and then i get even angrier when i remember all the things that I've been denied. (a loving, caring, straight mother, happiness, normality, peacefullness, ect, ect) and i get pissed at rach (sorry, rach.... i never mean to) and pissed at Jose (okay, maybe he has more of a reason to me getting mad at him) 1:30 pm: go to battle of the books, win all three battles, get inveted to a lunchon at the library in two wooks as a celabration. too bad we dont go to reigonals... oh well, i was getting sick of this whole so called "battle of the books" anyway. stare 2:45 pm: get outta school, run with Jordan to the office to pick up an... item.... then be mad when its not there, and sad that its gone. run back to the North Lot to catch the bus. 3:00 pm: Samantha and Anna come over, and samantha's bf breaks up with her over a text. 6:00 pm: eventually over lots of tence silences and long privet talkes (with some yelling, i would imagine) Gabby comes too. samantha and gabby go into the pool room to discuss who stole whos boyfriend. i stay safley in the house listening to music with anna. 6:00 pm: dad comes home, and i go out to the rec room to see asmantha and gabby standing on the pool table sword-fighting with pool ques. there is chalk and handprints all over the pool table, plus a deck of what looked like a game of 52 card pickup scatterd as well. when i walsk in they start screaming and anna starts screaming and i yell at them to shut the hell up and start cleaning before my dad walks in. (he loves that pool table, though we never ues it) naturally my dad walks in to see them sword fighting and screeming and chaos all around. -------- OMG THIS IS A LONG ENTRY!!! AND IM NOT EVEN DONE!!! i bet you're bored out of your mind. sweatdrop but i need somebody to vent too. im getting to the exciting(ish) part, jsut be patient----------- no where was i... oh yeah... 8:00 pm: i manage to convince my dad to let all three of them stay the night, and we leave to go pick up their things and get pizza for dinner. While we're at gabbys house waiting for her to finish up me and my dad are talking about breakfast. i really wish we haddent. if it wasnt for those darn muffins at Fred Myer, i would never have gotten in troubble with the cops.... 8:30 pm: we're at fread myers and see Zack F and his buddy scate boarding. this being her ex, samantha starts screaming. gabby joins in, and anna goes along with it. pretty soon the car is filled with high-pitched screams, and ohmigawds and iwannagobugthehellouttahims. i cover my ears. dad laughs. while hes in the store we go and freak zack and co. out. making airplane noises and flapping out arms, we run aroudn them in circles. then go hide behind a parked semi while they scratch their heads and give out genaral direction a weird look. yeah i know, not so funny. but it was hella fun while we were doing it, and i couldent stop laughing (which was a bad thing, cuz i had to breathe especally hard cuz i had jsut run a whole bunch, and laughing doesnt exctally let a lot of air in your lungs) Samantha sees a shopping cart and gets in while gabby starts pushing it. you can see where this is going... more shreeks and screams and commands to slow down. eventually, a cop shows up, drawn by the screams. i couldent hear what he was saying, but i said "yes sir" none the less and put the cart where it belongs. the cop moves on to zack and tells him to beat it too. 9:00 pm: long story short the sleep-over was canceld when my dad talked to the cop, and i go home to eat a dinner not of pizza, but of mac and cheese. sad my dads pissed im pissed my friends are pissed and im stuck here, writing to you while i eat my discusting mac and cheese. T.T ill see ya next time. burning_eyes
TheMusicNote · Fri Feb 27, 2009 @ 04:39am · 2 Comments |