Aislinn My strings are pulled by... [Marli-oneechan] You can call me... [Aislinn Crichton] I've lived through... [915, appears about seventeen.] See me as a... [Wind Spirit] I can assure you, I am... [Female] I would call myself... [Heterosexual] I tend to be... [A little calm, a little aggressive, a little whimsical. Depends on the mood you catch me in. I'm just a tad on the bipolar side, and love romanticism.] My tale begins with... [I lived out a majority of my life in the forest, with all my sisters. In fact, all forty-three of us inhabited a pond in the centre of the woods, in solitude and in wait of travellers. When a lone traveller would come by, we would put on our powers of seduction and make him stay for years, hereby ruining his life, then set him free. It may sound cruel, but that was the only chance at entertainment we had, as our mother forbade us from leaving the safety of the trees. All of this went well, until I was lured away from the pond on a softly drizzling day. The human was a romantic, and had me convinced that he would love me for the rest of his days. Now, I'll have you know that I was the only one stupid enough to be taken, but others of my sisters followed. The man took me from the forest, and sold me into slavery. For two months now I have been in the human world, and like it not. Except for the candies and sodas... very tasty.] My collar is... [Blue, pink, brown, heart, sword, fang] Give me A...[Master that knows the difference between A Spirit and a faerie; if not, I'll surely go mad from saying it. A master that can say what they need and when, a master that knows how to dress me, a master that can give me a lot of sweets.] I belong to... [No one yet]
Marli-oneechan · Mon Feb 23, 2009 @ 07:39pm · 0 Comments |