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It's Mah Lifeee
Random stuff. yay.
Christmas Gifts!
Here's a list of (almost) everyone who has give me a gift for Christmas and what they gave and their message!

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Just a random gift. &3

From: GCD Elf 410
Message: Happy Holidays! Try not to go overboard and start goring people with these! We don't need any more scrooges in the GCD this year!

Reindeer Antlers <3

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Saw you wanted this thought I would be nice!

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Wishing you a Yuletide season full of warmth, joy, and music. Peace (: * ~Deck the halls with boughs of holly / 'Tis the season to be jolly...~

From: Princess of Aura
Message: I hope these are the right ones. Merry Christmas.

Elven ears

From: Raven-Sama13

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Just thought you were a good gaian ^_^

Hey there!

I've got a special gift for you!

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: I woke up to this little guy gnawing on my head! I thought you might enjoy it more than I do. Merry Christmas! - The Christmas Panda


From: Kiarei Blackfire
Message: Merry Christmas!
Think of all the fun you can have with a collar ;D
(Yup, you got it right away XD Congrats)

Reindeer Collar

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Make sure there are no sharks, they'll spot you from a mile away...
And don't forget that after you eat you should wait an hour before you go to swim!! D&

Metallic Gold Speedies Bottom

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Your eyes look a little off love, can you see alright?

~ The Winter Pixie Queen

Black Reading Glasses

From: GCD Elf 827
Message: Did you know? American car horns beep in the tone of F.

Merry Christmas!

Um, there was an error? =[

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Even though it isn't on your wishlist, princesses still deserve to be treated nice sometimes

Gold tiara

From: KiriKami
Message: *****&&&&&BANG!&&&&&*****

Q: What's roman and climbs walls?

A: IV (geddit? IV... Ivy... XD)

Merry Gaiasmas!

(Your gifty screen was really contrasty, had to guess the colour choice.)

Native American Purple & Pink Beaded Earrings

From: GCD Elf 812
Message: Hatty Holidays Ms. Cucumber Reindeer! Don't forget about the big flight on the 24th! You're behind Rudolf!

Fresh Grass Hat

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: If seems I's Far away bever wonder where I am cause I am always by you side

Woolen Tavern Wench's Cincher

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: I dare you to try and fly with this. I /dare/ you.

Leviathan's Grace (Chest)

From: Z OMG
Message: Merry Christmas :]

Teal Inflatable Water Wings

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: We bought this for Mommy, because it doesn't have any wingholes in the back. She said she liked it, but she never wore it. Daddy said it made her sad, so we stopped bringing her things. That, we think, made her even sadder. (Why are we talking about such depressing things?) Sorry!

Merry Chistmas Iris-Way!

The Dairy Fairies

Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: A gift from someone you don't know.

What could it be?

Lump of Black Coal

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Ah! Hello, there!
I've been observing you! You're a kind person! I haven't seen a naughty mark yet. But at any rate, you deserve a treat, you do!
I saw this on your wishlist and, well, I quite like it myself, so I can say that you will love it as well!

I apologize if I babble. It's been quite a rough couple of days, what with all the deliveries I've gotten!

I wish you an outstanding holiday!

~Cresentia, Christmas Pixie Express

Clean White Tavern Wench's Blouse

Hey there!

I've got a special gift for you!

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Hello again love, I hope you've been doing well.....

~ The Winter Pixie Queen

Flashion Purple Star Stockings

From: Rebel Elf 121
Message: Solstice Spirit Sure Is Dandy
From This Elf, Enjoy Some Candy!

Orange BubbleNum Bubble

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Fact: An iguana can stay under water for 28 minutes.

Purple Space Girl Bikini Top

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Heres something for a pretty girl
Come on put it on your head.Give it a whirl!

Pink Nordstrom Hat

From: GCD Elf 690
Message: Merry Xmas ^.^;

Pink Nordstrom Hat

From: Shunji Sato
Message: It is i the gifting poet i decided to reveal myself
&dear maiden eyes as bright as the moon
What is time i may see you agian..preferably soon?

Jingle Bell Earrings

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: when your day seems rainy, keep your eyes open for this ~ the Winter Spirit

Skittles Rainbow

From: Momi-chan
Message: Merry Early Christmas!!

Pink & Black Saloon Girl's Dress

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Oh! Iris! Nice to see you again!

This is a little late, but thank you for thinking my name is pretty! I always thought yours was far cuter! Take this little guy as a friend for your Grunny!

Gotta run, but have an outstanding holiday!

~Cresentia, Christmas Pixie Express

Green Octopus (on my head)

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: I'm still new at this gifting thing, but hopefully I'll be able to do it s'more in the future.

Marshmallow Snowman!

From: GCD elf 213
Message: Merry Christmas

Tiny Pixie Wings! (XD)

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Random present from your wishlist!

Black Polka Dotted Inner Tube

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: On your wishlist correct?

Purple Space Girl Bikini Top

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: 01001000 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01001000 01101111 01101100 01101001 01100100 01100001 01111001 00100001 - A GCD Elf

Thank You Letter For August 2008

From: Playboy_victorias_secret
Message: a gift for u !!!
Hope u injoye

Raptor Fire Horns

From: Wyae
Message: Ta-da! Look I found them. :3

Magenta Inflatable Water Wings

From: Niko_Aku
Message: Happy Christmas!

Blue Snowflake Boxers

Happy Holidays! You've been Elf'd.
Purple Space Girl Bikini Top

From: An anonymous benefactor
Message: Merry Christmas! You may not like it but I just thought of giving.

Garage Sale Lamp

From: Mewmew3
Message: Merry Christmas! =3

Charcoal Sketchbook

From: Fuzzy_Navel
Message: M3RRY XMAS

Synthesized Apocaripped Scarf!

Mercurial Bloom : Oculus Mythica!
Thank you so much!

From: Al Leun
Message: Happy Holidays! This is one of 1,000 White Carnation Bouquets with Red Wrapping and Green Ribbons that are being given out to 1,000 lucky Gaians from all over Gaia! Please look for the invite to the party guild! If you don't receive an invite, the link to the guild is: . I hope to see you there! You represent the GCD!

White Carnation - Red Bouquet with Green Ribbon