It's true, it's true. And you know it. ;D
Just bought the jacket thing to use for my Shinya cosplay. But it's so pimpin, I don't wanna cut it up now. T-T But the show must go on... I have a feeling my Shinya cosplay is gonna suck anyways. xd I was too poor to buy a load of vinyl like it required, so I bought this other stuff that MIGHT be mistaken for vinyl if you're very far away. And I don't wanna have to cut my hair short again.
So yeeeaaah. I should've put a bit more thought into this before I bought that junk. Maybe I should make another cosplay for AN; a good one. But WHOOO? >_o DUN DUN DUNNN!
Well, I'm definitely open for suggestions. Just some things to keep in mind... -I probably won't cut my hair for it, or dye it dark again (I love having black hair but it's gonna take at least a year to get back to my natural colour and the blonde roots showing is a pain in the a** >< wink . -Nothing that shows a lot of belly. Ew, no one wants to see that. gonk -I won't do Naruto (again) or Inuyasha stuff. -Right now I'm thinking either Love Hina, Great Teacher Onizuka or another Jrocker. -Group cosplays are always spiffy, man.
Ten Ten · Sat Oct 08, 2005 @ 09:17pm · 7 Comments |