sometimes it feels like life is full of far fetched dreams. but it's true what they say: never settle for anything but the best, and that's what you get!
I have many dreams. mainly I dream of being ok, to not have my headaches and my aches and pains. to be physically well!
we got questions to think about today in class, "what is it you want, and WHY?" to come to the bottom thought of why we want what we want. it's really intresting. The brain is a really intresting pice of organism.
so, what do I want?
someitmes I know it as clear as the day, and sometimes it's all fuzzy.
but I do know I want a education! so i can drop the cleaning service behind me and have a job that won't make me sick. a real proper education that lets me live a little bit more free, so I can get a job and pay off my studydepts and from there, just live a comfortable life I can be happy with.
but I have other dreams as well, some that I'm not fully on the clear with yet. but it will come! one day. I know it..
until then, I will try to satisfy my material wants on Gaia and in other games 3nodding
Irothz Community Member |