At thanksgiving, it is generally appropriate to give thanks for the things we have and be grateful, because we really do have a LOT to be thankful for.
Thanksgiving Poem (Because I Can't Think Of A Better Title)
Thanks for laziness and sloth - if it weren't for them, we might actually have to do something. Thanks for the animal rights activists, who make it more fun than usual to slaughter your own turkey. Thanks for the pilgrims who crashed their boat, giving us all an excuse to stuff our faces like pigs. Thanks for the deciduous trees that get naked every winter, providing leaf enthusiasts with everything their little hearts desire. Thanks for the far too long, drawn-out, over the top prayer before eating, because everyone loves waiting for food. Thanks for the free flowing alcohol - so that we can all find out what our family and neighbours REALLY think of us. Thanks for the fruitcake that proudly sits through an entire meal, year after year. Thanks for the Dad who doesn't call, and Thanks for the Mom who keeps children from having any of the good sweets. Thanks for the guy who farts first at the Thanksgiving dinner, saving everyone else the embarrassment. Thanks for the food that makes its home in overflowing garbage cans. Thanks for the hungry and homeless - we look pretty good now, don't we.
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Mon Oct 13, 2008 @ 11:02pm · 0 Comments |