This weekend being thanks giving,my parents decided to go visit my uncle.I they asked if I wanted to go and I said no.I have been giving chores to complete by there return.I haven't started them yet sweatdrop Also I have to clean my room,do my homework and finish the four books that I've started reading.The clean room was a order from my parents sweatdrop cause my room is a catastrophe -__- The books I'm reading are Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,Haunted,To Kill A Mockingbird(for school) and Blood and Gold.Also there are a bunch of tiny thing that I have to do,simple mess I've made like the dishes.....and mainly organizing thing around the house.Yeah I know this is kind of a weird Journal Entry but when I write things do,my head is cleared and I know what I have to do and its easier to focus...sort of xp Well I'm off to clean,though I'll be staying on gaia as well razz
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