For some reason I get really annoyed when trying to plan my birthday party. Or phone for a dentist/doctor's appointment. Or even a hair appointment. @_@ I don't want to go to the orthodontist because I don't want to have braces for a third time.
I need to phone TBYSO to see if they did indeed switch to Tuesdays, which would SUCK because I already handed in my availability for work. TBYSO was THURSDAYS last year, so if it's Tuesdays this year I'm going to have to bring it in again and say instead of Thursdays 6-10 it's Tuesdays 6-10, and I can do Thursdays 5-10. >.<
I should call them today; I really should.
I did book myself a haircut though. ^^ I'll get it nice and trimmed, and that'll be that. No styling; going the cheap way. Might be a bit hard at Cimaron though; sometimes they high end it, but at least I know it'll be good.
But yes, people can come to my birthday party, so it should be a fun fun time. ^^ I have to phone one friend yet, and I've sent out a mass e-mail, with a fair bit of notice (bout a week and a half) so people can figure out if they can go or not.
Renee the Rabid Squirrel · Thu Aug 25, 2005 @ 05:44pm · 0 Comments |