Hi Gaia I'm really sorry I haven't written to you for SUCH a long time. I'm havin' fun usually. Guess what, I finnally got a media in to mah profie ( I spelled it like that on purpose). I give mah thx to Candy_Candy, for telling me how to put music in my profile smilesmilebiggrin3nodding3noddingrazzlol . I also joined my first guild. The other one said decline sadly madmadcryconfusedconfusedsadsweatdroprolleyeseekstare . My friend dark_ayu had to change her name because someone hacked her. I feel really bad for her. Her new name is Vamp devil, but it's cool (the name). We always hang out. I wish they could meet each other, or have they question . My computer is like so outta it. It has problems going to Gaia Towns, Gaia Rally, and Virtually Hollywood mrgreenmrgreen . Not much of anything els happened. Well I better stop typing for now, bye.