Drama can come in many forms; it can be long winded, or brief. Drama can be loud and exciting, or quiet and perplexing. Drama can be anything and everything it chooses to be, and he, as many, is not immune to it.
Drama happens in his life every day, but allow me to tell you about one of the more dramatic of his dramas to share with you.
School was never really his favorite; at least it used not to be. Now unfortunately he is painfully aware of just what he’ll be leaving behind come graduation. Still it was only the beginning of the year and he’d yet to dread the end; he was just… Weary… of it.
This wasn’t the start of his problems; things had really started to snowball to the point where he’d rather just go into some kind of hibernation, as is the nature of stress. Shortly prior to the start of the year his mother was diagnosed as terminal, his dad had become a hopeless drunk, his mother got back together, and re-broke up with a common boyfriend, and a crack addict who’d recently been taking up board with them had left. The list doesn’t end, his best friend’s mother died, prompting his best friend to extend a plea for help in the form of asking him to move in, a girl he’d foolishly fallen in love with crushed his heart, skipping a grade in school’d left him with ludicrous amounts of work in front of him to actually graduate, and his mother was constantly pressuring him with words of death, bankruptcy, foreclosure, and the request he take on a job.
Yes, the world was good.
But, panic aside, he took a moment to gather his thoughts, and began to calm himself. A bit of coffee had taken well to his nerves as the warmth from the cup drifted lazily into his hand. He let out a small sigh and relaxed into his computer chair, his thoughts turning into something of a dull blur.
“In any case,” He said. “With any luck, it will simply work itself out.”
And he really did, just leave it at that.
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