I am The queen Tatanaya ko Roi Mirie Sesikai of the kingdom Neras Deuquas. I am... alone. Except for the demons, this palace is barren. ~~ It has been years since last I've seen humans. When the demons came the whole city evacuated. The royal family escaped. Leaving me behind. Behind for the demons. What became of my family? I was only a babe. The only reason I even know of them is Vettucui, the villiac or demon of the night. He's taught me all the things one should know. Even of my family. But only what he knows. And he knows so little. I've never known any other family but him, however as of late, I've began to question his loyalty... What has become of the humans? eeksweatdrop SHUGA HIGH! SHUGA HIGH! stressedscream
NORA'S RAEP FAAAACE D:< Isn't she lurvleeee? AM I GLOWING? D: BUMP this thread!