So there's this travelling tractor salesman, and he heads over to Rancher Bill's place to try to sell him a new tractor. He knocks on the door, but there's no answer. He sees Bill's car in the driveway, so he knows he's home. He tries a few more times, and finally decides to just go around back to look for him.
When he gets into the back yard, he sees Bill standing underneath an apple tree, holding a large pig up above his head. Bill's knees are shaking under the weight, and the pig is lazily chewing apples off the tree. When the pig finishes an apple, Bill carries him to another part of the tree and hoists him up again for another.
"Excuse me," says the salesman. "May I ask what exactly you're doing?"
"Well, sir," says Bill, "I'm just feedin' my pig. He loves apples."
The travelling salesman is incredulous. "Why not just wait for the apples to fall down, so the pig could eat them off the ground? I mean, wouldn't that save a lot of time?"
Rancher Bill contemplates it for a moment. "Yeah, but time ain't nothin' to a pig."