The Black Rose
A single Black Rose,
Standing all alone,
In a world where no one is the same,
I guess she is the wrong kind of different.
"Why are your petals Black?"
"Why do you have thorns?"
The poor thing.
Thats just who she is.
You may think shes strange or scary,
But I.....
I think shes beautiful.
A dark sort of beauty.
.......Excuse me?
I cant believe you.
Dont try to define things you dont understand.
Dark does not mean evil.
I hate it when people like you assume that.
Not "evil".
Yes, she is different from you.
Thats no reason to shun her.
She should belong,
But because of you,
She doesn't,
Shes all alone.
All alone...
Why do I even bother living?
All you people are cruel to me.
This life isnt worth living.
"Im sorry, all those things weve said...we didnt mean it."
You expect me to believe that?
After all those years of ridicule,
You expect me to believe that?
Dont even speak.
You aren't my friends.
You only talk to me out of pity.
...Goodbye Mom...
...I'm sick of this...
...Goodbye Dad...
...I'm sick of this...
...Goodbye all you horrible people!
Goodbye my little Black Rose.
FullMoonForest_42 · Sat Feb 09, 2008 @ 02:21pm · 1 Comments |