I had an interesting dream last night....It was about him of course, the guy thats older than me. In the dream he came to my house for a b-day party for me i guess it was. All of us (friends, me, and him) where in the living room(we had just woken up from a 'sleep over' i guess.) and we were talking. The next parts of the dream were a little fuzzy but I remember something he gave me had shattered and he was really upset by it. It wasn't anybodies fault, someone had bumped into it. The next parts were fuzzy too, but i remember his mom coming to get him and he being disappointed and angry with me and he didn't talk to me. Then it jumped to were we were at church and It was kinda like at was at the window looking in....I remember looking at his face and how sad it was, and then i woke up. The object that had shattered was glass and it was red.....but i don't remember its shape.
If someone could help me interpret the dream it would be nice. Usually I'm the one who's good at interpreting dreams, but this one just confuses me.... I think i get part of it though. I think I'm afraid of what is to come if we do get into a relationship, and i think the object he gave me resembled his heart, and it would upset him because it was shattered....Anyone else have any ideas?