So I am alive... Why is that?
I came from the light Only to be consumed by The darkness in my Heart....
A battle with my self, A battle with human Nature, a haunting Thing to feel...
More of my self will Die trying to revive my Own spirit from the Shock, but in the end Tears for every broken Heart...
Then I see it, the light Of fate in front of me, So trifled with sorrow, So hurt with the Anguish of many years, Of many scars and Many pains...
Every action I took Only hastened my dark Result, for in me a very Cruel past lingers with Unknowing danger, The stuff of nightmares Await me...
By: Isai Ayala (Gamuteko)
Neixo · Fri Oct 05, 2007 @ 06:26pm · 3 Comments |