[ Drei ]
I can't get the grey hair to match the black and yellow avi, so I made two of them. I know the second one isn't the same hairstyle, but the Amore black haire is more of a very dark blue and it looks like navy next to the ret of the avi, so I used the Fall hairstyle. It's the closest to your current one.
---- With Amore Grey --- | --- With Fall Black -----
Total Value: 156,683 Gold
After Exclusions: 132,781 Gold
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HG, Cheesy, Kirsty, Chris, Josie, Choco, Faerie, Cakey, Ori, Kev, Bella, Sins, TLC, LVCR.
HG, Cheesy, Kirsty, Chris, Josie, Choco, Faerie, Cakey, Ori, Kev, Bella, Sins, TLC, LVCR.