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~About me~
Its my 1st time on Gaia today smile ...I have to admit,at first I thought it was goanna b a little weird,and posiblly stupid...but its actually really kool!
Today me and my mom r goanna go see the new "Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix" movie (i cant wait biggrin ). I have a confession to make...Im a little obsessed with anything Harry Potter.I have all HP video games,all HP books(except 2&3),a HP poster(i cant find a place on th wall 4 it yet), & a HP time turner like the one from "Prisoner of Azkaban";and if anything about HP is supposed to air on T.V.,I never miss it.My mom calls me a
Harry Potter Freak
neutral ,Oh well. At least im not in Denial.....right? sweatdrop [*nervous laugh*] But hey im not a nerd,I hate math and Science, i hate educational movies,i like to hang with my friends, I like goin on the internet and checkn out Cartoon Network(thats the kid in me), Is that a nerd??? sweatdrop Ummmm n-e way heres stuff about me:
My looks:
-hair:brown(1/2 way b-tween my shoulders and elbows)
-height:5'1(yes I know I'm short) cry
-hands:small (idk why i put this down) 4laugh
-feet:7 1/2 to 8

tv channels:cartton network,Disney channel,ABC family,Comedy Central(I love MAD TV),and CMT
movies sad b-sides HP)"The Breakfast Club","Silent Hill","Pirates of the Carribean",and "Ghost Rider"
dessert:cheescake and strawberry cheescake
meat:pork chops
candy:Twix,white choc. oreo and cream hershey bar,and milky way
saying:shiz-nit, crap-ola, fud-ruckers, and Dang-it.
-best friends:Felicia: I never knew wut true friendship was till I met her
Heather:another hilarious very unique person who is also a good friend.
Billy:Felicias b/f,honest,sweet,good listener,and is always there 4 u!
Mikela:billys sis,sweet,shy,and very kind hearted.
Anna Montez:unique,shy,very sweet and a ball-o-laughter an fun.
Im a good listener, and I never contradict n-e always here when help is needed dont b afraid 2 ask or tlk.

well thats about it,
if theres n-e thang else u wanna know just ask,or read about it n the other entries. biggrin

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~~Everything that is, or was, began with a dream~~