The Chronicle: Dear Editor, Is it wrong for a father to refuse child support to a mother to help raise their children? Is it right for a father to tell his children that he will never pay child support to help raise them? Is it right for a father to have his regular visitations when he knows that visiting is good but wont help support them. When he knows that the child support helps pay for those extra things they need. I don’t know about other parents but I know that that extra little bit helps get those things they need for school, the clothing they need and the lunches that will need. Doesn’t every parent raising a child or children deserve the support of the other parent? What I want to know is how all those parent s that don’t pay their support can get away with it? I have talked to my case worker at DCS (Department of Child Support) about this and they say that our county is so backed logged that it could me months or even years before any thing can be done about it. Well I hope and pray one day these parents wake up and realize how much they are hurting their children by not helping out. Like with most parents some help is better then no help! The worst of it all is when the parent remarries and all expenses are expected to be paid by the new stepparent.
Sincerely Laureen
Keisha MaKainn · Sat Jul 14, 2007 @ 10:15pm · 1 Comments |