August 2011
[08/16/11 03:04am] This is my last night in the same building as gran...[08/15/11 01:32am] *sigh* Just two more of these boring journals[08/12/11 04:30am] Another boring day, as usual.[08/11/11 02:57am] Itinerary sent! =3[08/10/11 01:42am] Shut up grandma...[08/09/11 04:14am] Well, the secret is out...[08/08/11 04:01am] Sorry I didn't post this sooner[08/05/11 02:37am] Um, good news? ... And maybe bad news...[08/03/11 09:49pm] Now I just need money....[08/02/11 05:00pm] Mission expected to fail... but still in progress....[08/02/11 05:08am] Scared shitless right now[08/01/11 03:55am] Ugh, can I leave, NOW??? ....
July 2011
[07/29/11 03:05am] Why, just why...[07/27/11 04:06pm] Suitcase measurements and how my day was[07/25/11 08:34pm] God, either help me or not...[07/25/11 04:36am] Wooowwwww.... Just, wow....[07/23/11 01:36pm] .....[07/23/11 01:04am] It feels so good to actually know somebody.[07/22/11 01:57am] La di la di da[07/20/11 06:05pm] Mmmmm, sweet smell of recently washed hair...[07/20/11 12:27am] Pooooooool!!!![07/18/11 06:08pm] WATA!!! [07/17/11 06:30pm] Gizi = Grandma... -_-[07/15/11 04:36am] ..... Too hot.... [07/14/11 01:59am] Today I was just filled with tons of different fee...[07/13/11 04:01am] WHOOOOOOO!!!!!! [07/12/11 12:15am] Owwwwww[07/11/11 03:04am] ????[07/08/11 02:52am] Pfft, boring ass day.... As usual...[07/06/11 07:01pm] WOOT!!!! GO AIR FORCE!!! GO AIR FORCE!!!! [07/06/11 03:54am] Military... *sigh*[07/05/11 05:44am] Tomorrow I'm gonna my Military ID~ Er, sign up for...[07/03/11 09:21pm] *sigh Ok let's do this in a journal this time[07/01/11 08:15pm] I am not typing in the notepad first this time...[07/01/11 12:19am] Oh great, newbs in the Gaia HQ
June 2011
[06/27/11 03:55am] *sigh* God help us....[06/24/11 02:34am] I know other military wives now~[06/23/11 04:27am] *yawns*[06/21/11 11:40pm] Hehehehehehehe. XD[06/20/11 11:47pm] Brake. BRAKE!!! BRAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!! O.O [06/19/11 11:43pm] Grumble grumble grumble....[06/18/11 10:35pm] Ahhhhhh, I feel so fresh...[06/17/11 03:12pm] ....[06/16/11 10:30pm] Just another boring day[06/16/11 03:58am] Soooo, my day.[06/14/11 09:25pm] FUCKIN SUCKS...... ASS....[06/14/11 12:22am] 1 MORE DAY!!!!!! ^o^[06/13/11 02:35am] Almost forgot to type this.[06/12/11 12:12pm] Nightmare...[06/10/11 03:26pm] Angel is disgusting.[06/10/11 03:11am] Phew, almost forgot to make this[06/08/11 08:09pm] Scar, cut, or just a bruise?[06/07/11 04:05pm] Name meanings? True? False? Hmmm...[06/06/11 07:42pm] Aww, I can't visit my old teachers...[06/06/11 12:42am] Grandma, you are very retarded...[06/02/11 08:27pm] That mutt bit me....[06/01/11 05:36pm] Kas? O.o
May 2011
[05/31/11 06:08pm] Michael, SHUT UP!!!!![05/27/11 05:09pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...[05/26/11 06:42pm] WSPA?? It does have a legit website.[05/25/11 11:07pm] *rolls eyes*[05/25/11 01:48am] Owwwwww......[05/23/11 05:44pm] About that tablet thingy....[05/22/11 10:03pm] Gotta make a link so I don't forget where the guild is.[05/22/11 03:15am] Jesus Christ, SAVE MEEEE!!!!![05/20/11 06:52pm] Horoscopes~[05/20/11 01:26am] Sakura has turned into an Uchiha!!! 'o'[05/19/11 12:49am] LOOKIE LOOKIE LOOKIE!!!! =D[05/17/11 05:21pm] Pretty... Not pretty... Pretty... Eh, maybe I am...[05/17/11 12:01am] Weather Forecast:[05/16/11 12:08am] *sigh* I dun like when you're on day shift...[05/14/11 08:30pm] Whine. Whine. Whine. Whine- SHUT UP!!!![05/13/11 05:37pm] Grrrrr..... Stupid old hag...[05/11/11 04:14am] So many things I wanted to say....[05/09/11 01:01am] I wanna daaaance!!![05/07/11 07:41pm] Trip to cousins' house... Not TOO bad...[05/06/11 09:38pm] *yawn* ..... *punches random person and continues ...[05/05/11 06:43pm] Don't read this, I feel so ashamed... Not really, ...[05/04/11 08:01pm] My hair... It is.... decent!!! =D[05/03/11 05:46pm] Mike.... That little shit...[05/02/11 08:07pm] Ready for a good ol' fashioned rant?[05/02/11 12:06am] Bleh
April 2011
[04/30/11 10:07pm] Watching Gizi....[04/29/11 01:22pm] Nightmare? ....[04/29/11 02:03am] I am not slacking... >.>[04/26/11 07:21pm] Dentist appointment[04/25/11 10:09pm] Day after Easter~[04/25/11 03:53am] Eas-ta!!![04/21/11 07:13pm] My nose is the only problem now...[04/19/11 07:41pm] *plucks petals off of an imaginary flower*[04/18/11 09:16pm] ........... Bite me... >.>[04/16/11 08:04pm] Grrrr....[04/15/11 06:07pm] ... Am I actually sick??[04/14/11 06:09pm] Almost forgot to type this[04/13/11 07:11pm] Just another, boring, painfully annoying, stupid, ...[04/11/11 08:17am] Last day in KY.... First night back in Ratsville....[04/09/11 11:42pm] Aunt D![04/08/11 02:42am] 'ey, I saw that you edited my journal. >.>[04/06/11 04:55am] Kentucky day 1 foo'!!![04/04/11 02:45am] My today was...[04/03/11 02:56am] Birthday party![04/02/11 01:07am] Today.... Yea! Today. Yea. Yea. That day.
March 2011
[03/30/11 10:43pm] ..... Walking like a penguin now.....[03/29/11 03:09pm] ......[03/29/11 02:40am] Gaia, stop screwing up and let me type this![03/27/11 09:31pm] Ahhhh, the sweet, sweet scent of Derick's balls. [03/27/11 12:19am] Stupid... Fucking... Crap....[03/25/11 01:37pm] Dream...[03/24/11 03:15pm] The package has arrived![03/24/11 03:02am] Almost forgot to do this...[03/22/11 05:13pm] Today's events:[03/21/11 11:46pm] Who? What? Where?[03/20/11 09:56pm] When will she die?[03/18/11 12:00am] Have I ever told you how much I hate Manhattan?[03/17/11 03:30pm] Apparently I'm slacking now. Hmhmhm.[03/15/11 02:51pm] I'm not THAT upset....[03/14/11 11:04pm] My day? .... You wanna know how it was? ...[03/12/11 05:13pm] Stupid people... And these damned pimples!!!!![03/12/11 03:13am] ...[03/10/11 08:26pm] Weirdest conversation ever...[03/09/11 06:30pm] I feel so lousy...[03/09/11 12:27pm] Typing my dream before I forget it[03/08/11 03:00am] Gizi *shakes head* Hehehe
February 2011
[02/27/11 09:34pm] ........[02/25/11 09:05pm] Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhhh....[02/24/11 12:14pm] Weird dream....[02/18/11 02:30pm] Derick don't read this journal, I'm just venting![02/14/11 05:45pm] Stupid holidays.... Stupid Opinions...[02/07/11 03:34am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/05/11 01:30am] No headline has been entered for this entry...[02/04/11 12:41am] No headline has been entered for this entry...
January 2011
[01/13/11 08:02pm] .... Really?[01/13/11 02:25am] Cheap joke, but funny[01/10/11 12:50am] Hmmm, hm hm, hm hmmm~[01/09/11 12:06am] So confused and bored and tired...[01/07/11 08:04pm] So far, so good.[01/02/11 02:02am] How do I tell you? ....
December 2010
[12/22/10 04:04pm] *ramble* *ramble* *ramble*[12/21/10 05:14pm] One more day[12/20/10 08:40pm] Wedding dress in now at the dry cleaners[12/19/10 05:27pm] Weird dream...[12/18/10 03:59pm] I'm really forgetfull....[12/17/10 03:42pm] I dun wanna get up.....[12/16/10 05:36pm] Shleeeeepy shleepy shleepy shleepy...[12/15/10 03:40pm] Awesome dream!!![12/14/10 02:12pm] *yawn* .... What?[12/13/10 03:51pm] Maranda woke me up again.[12/12/10 04:59pm] Maranda woke me up texting about her dad being dis...[12/11/10 02:40pm] *stretchy stretchy stretchy*[12/10/10 03:38pm] Good morning~[12/10/10 03:33am] Uuuuugghh[12/08/10 05:07pm] Period.... Hurts.... I feel.... Lazy... DX[12/07/10 03:26pm] Gotsta dye my shoes a different color of white...[12/06/10 05:49pm] The dress is ready! [12/05/10 06:33pm] No cemetary today[12/04/10 07:09pm] Test day[12/03/10 03:15pm] Weird dream again, but still not the weirdest[12/02/10 03:01pm] Hiii...[12/01/10 03:11pm] Time to pack!! .... and study...
November 2010
[11/30/10 05:42pm] .....[11/29/10 02:52pm] Another odd dream, but definitely not that odd[11/28/10 02:59pm] Tooooo forgetful...[11/27/10 04:29pm] Uuuugh[11/26/10 04:10pm] Manhattan[11/25/10 01:57pm] Happy gobble gobble day![11/24/10 03:08pm] Shopping! [11/23/10 05:18pm] Maple leaves!!![11/22/10 07:10pm] Busy, busy, busy[11/21/10 03:13pm] Birthday?[11/20/10 04:33pm] Mmmmuah![11/19/10 03:42pm] Sorry I didn't say good night last night[11/18/10 05:48pm] Wow this journal is gonna be posted late.[11/17/10 04:35pm] ._.'[11/16/10 03:53pm] Mikey, go home....[11/15/10 03:28pm] Hurry up thanksgiving![11/14/10 03:20pm] Grandma's out shopping~[11/13/10 04:04pm] Mmmmmuah![11/12/10 02:14pm] Dammit grandma....[11/11/10 03:03pm] *rubs eyes*[11/10/10 02:57pm] *stretches*[11/10/10 01:59am] Passing the time and giving in to my curiosity of ...[11/09/10 12:49pm] .......[11/08/10 01:43pm] *whistles.... or at least tries to*[11/07/10 05:00pm] Sunday~[11/06/10 03:38pm] Saturday~[11/05/10 05:01pm] Feeling much better now.[11/04/10 03:28pm] ......[11/03/10 05:16pm] I miss you...[11/02/10 03:58pm] I don't wanna get out of bed....[11/01/10 07:25pm] *yawn*
October 2010
[10/31/10 02:09pm] Week 9, Day 7 (63)[10/30/10 02:48pm] Week 9, Day 6 (62)[10/29/10 06:05pm] Week 9, Day 5 (61)[10/28/10 05:05pm] Week 9, Day 4 (60)[10/27/10 04:02pm] Week 9, Day 3, (59)[10/26/10 04:34pm] Week 9, Day 2 (58)[10/25/10 04:02pm] Week 9, Day 1 (57)[10/24/10 05:09pm] Week 8, Day 7 (56)[10/23/10 02:17pm] Week 8, Day 6 (55)[10/22/10 02:17pm] Week 8, Day 5 (54)[10/21/10 04:17pm] Week 8, Day 4 (53)[10/20/10 02:42pm] Week 8, Day 3 (52)[10/19/10 12:33pm] Week 8, Day 2 (51)[10/18/10 02:54pm] Week 8, Day 1 (50)[10/17/10 01:59pm] Week 7, Day 7 (49)[10/16/10 02:54pm] Week 7, Day 6 (48)[10/15/10 06:02pm] Week 7, Day 5 (47)[10/14/10 02:51pm] Week 7, Day 4 (46)[10/13/10 05:35pm] Week 7, Day 3 (45)[10/12/10 03:13pm] Week 7, Day 2 (43)[10/11/10 03:06pm] Week 7, Day 1 (43)[10/10/10 04:22pm] Week 6, Day 7 (42)[10/09/10 03:45pm] Week 6, Day 6 (41)[10/08/10 04:58pm] Week 6, Day 5 (40)[10/07/10 05:37pm] Week 6, Day 4 (39)[10/06/10 03:40pm] Week 6, Day 3 (38)[10/05/10 04:08pm] Week 6, Day 2 (37)[10/04/10 01:33pm] Week 6, Day 1 (36)[10/03/10 07:39pm] Week 5, Day 7 (35)[10/02/10 03:23pm] Week 5, Day 6 (34)[10/01/10 05:06pm] Week 5, Day 5 (33)
September 2010
[09/30/10 03:34pm] Week 5, Day 4 (32)[09/29/10 08:26pm] Week 5, Day 3 (31)[09/28/10 04:29pm] Week 5, Day 2 (30)[09/27/10 07:54pm] Week 5, Day 1 (29)[09/26/10 01:45pm] Week 4, Day 7 (28)[09/25/10 03:27pm] Week 4, Day 6 (27)[09/24/10 03:05pm] Week 4, Day 5 (26)[09/23/10 02:55pm] Week 4, Day 4 (25)[09/22/10 04:18pm] Week 4, Day 3 (24)[09/21/10 03:40pm] Week 4, Day 2 (23)[09/20/10 12:56pm] Week 4, Day 1 (22)[09/19/10 04:22pm] Week 3, Day 7 (21)[09/18/10 04:08pm] Week 3, Day 6 (20)[09/17/10 03:41pm] Week 3, Day 5 (19)[09/16/10 03:21pm] Week 3, Day 4 (18)[09/15/10 03:18pm] Week 3, Day 3 (17)[09/14/10 03:06pm] Week 3, Day 2 (16)[09/13/10 02:40pm] Week 3, Day 1 (15)[09/12/10 04:37pm] Week 2, Day 7 (14)[09/11/10 04:06pm] Week 2, Day 6 (13)[09/10/10 02:41pm] Week 2, Day 5 (12)[09/09/10 04:23pm] Week 2, Day 4 (11)[09/08/10 02:14pm] Week 2, Day 3 (10)[09/07/10 03:27pm] Week 2, Day 2 (9)[09/06/10 05:09pm] Week 2, Day 1 (8)[09/05/10 03:52pm] Week 1, Day 7[09/04/10 03:24pm] Week 1, Day 6[09/03/10 04:12pm] Week 1, Day 5[09/02/10 04:24pm] Week 1, Day 4[09/01/10 03:06pm] Week 1, Day 3
August 2010
[08/31/10 05:32pm] Week 1, Day 2[08/30/10 01:57pm] Week 1, Day 1[08/30/10 02:00am] Week 0, Day 0[08/28/10 02:58am] We're scaring her (Poem)
July 2010
[07/10/10 02:08am] Probably the thing I hate most in my life right now...
June 2010
[06/19/10 06:47pm] Loosening the lock on my hidden box of emotions....
May 2010
[05/27/10 08:50pm] My day and stuff that I've wanted to get off of my...[05/15/10 06:24pm] ......[05/08/10 01:48am] Fun.
April 2010
[04/20/10 07:21pm] If you can read this, then don't....[04/19/10 01:20am] A poem I wrote out of boredom, don't read it.[04/18/10 01:06am] A poem that I might publish, wanna see and critize...
September 2009
[09/21/09 10:58pm] Still thinking.....[09/21/09 04:20am] I don't know what to do...[09/12/09 05:35am] Nothing
August 2009
[08/26/09 04:02am] Conversation with a jerk[08/25/09 06:08am] ...............[08/17/09 02:24pm] Good dreams...
July 2009
[07/03/09 04:09pm] .....
June 2009
[06/22/09 02:47pm] Checklist[06/12/09 03:05am] Yep, another journl entry...[06/10/09 10:16pm] Please stay...
May 2009
[05/29/09 09:16pm] .......[05/26/09 09:22pm] Poem I wrote in class[05/24/09 02:39am] .......[05/06/09 11:10pm] Don't Label Me[05/06/09 11:06pm] This is me[05/06/09 10:56pm] You can tell...
April 2009
[04/07/09 12:30pm] Living a life without you would be like...
March 2009
[03/03/09 09:30pm] You...
February 2009
[02/06/09 08:46pm] I never thought...[02/06/09 08:29pm] <.< ..... >.> .... >.< DONT READ!!! lol XD
January 2009
[01/20/09 11:53pm] Holy cr**.....[01/20/09 10:25pm] That one in a million guys[01/10/09 08:08pm] Woot!! I made a comic 'bout me and my friends! XD[01/08/09 01:18pm] Memories
December 2008
[12/28/08 06:53pm] I dunno, I just like making up quotes for some reason.[12/26/08 11:05pm] I let out...anger...[12/23/08 09:22pm] ...I don't know lol[12/22/08 01:26pm] I dunno what to name it...[12/12/08 08:28pm] First professional poem! xD[12/08/08 10:35pm] Almost forgot about this.[12/08/08 01:21pm] Either say something nice or don't say anything at...[12/05/08 09:10pm] Yay! Cool new metaphor based poem! =D[12/04/08 08:43pm] Hey lookie, another poem! lol Wow I wrote a lot re...[12/03/08 11:57pm] Gaia needs to make a black and white "Mochi the pu...[12/03/08 11:41pm] Ok, last sad poem! lol[12/02/08 11:25pm] Bad doggy! >.<[12/02/08 03:28am] just...bored...maybe...[12/01/08 12:14pm] poeeeeemmmmm....?
November 2008
[11/16/08 12:42am] ...i hope im not emo...[11/01/08 06:39am] Full Moon
October 2008
[10/22/08 02:18am] I've said too much[10/16/08 02:10pm] Frozen in time[10/15/08 09:32pm] Roses are red, Violets are blue...[10/13/08 02:39pm] Dumb Blonde
September 2008
[09/19/08 03:06am] Just copying a joke b4 i forget it XD
August 2008
[08/30/08 09:16pm] No more stuff from school[08/30/08 01:01am] Unloved (unfinished song)[08/30/08 12:13am] Dead or Alive (poem i guess cus it doesnt sound li...[08/29/08 11:59pm] First days of high school (poem)[08/29/08 11:42pm] Yesh i ish still bored[08/29/08 01:08am] Just a stupid poem...[08/27/08 11:47pm]
November 2007
[11/03/07 01:21am] My birthday(Nov. 21)
October 2007
[10/28/07 02:59am] My friend sent me this in an e-mail, its so funny
September 2007
[09/25/07 12:44am] Yay for new Naruto game![09/22/07 08:40pm] busy busy busy[09/09/07 03:28am] Touchy subject: love
August 2007
[08/29/07 08:21am] Profile