Miranda: "Can I do an interview?"

Michael Cole: "Of course! We can use this to clear all the misinformation that kids like Salem have put out there!"

The surrounding lighting lowers as Michael Cole enters Serious Journalist Mode.

Michael Cole: "Welcome everyone to WWFG Interviews where we delve deep into the minds of our guest to learn and understand what makes them tick! With me today is a former General Manager of WWFG...Miranda! You were the WWFG GM from around 2016-2017 right?! Can you remind our readers of what the landscape of WWFG was like at the time and what you had to deal with when you started?!"

Miranda: "Oh boy, that is a good opening question. To full answer that, however, we have to go back before that, i want to say mid 2015. Remember Salem's infamous War Games Pay-per-view? Several weeks before that abortion, Salem had gone and done on of his ******** vanishing acts. He no-showed the creative meetings, and had left us out of his booking decisions for some time. So when the day of the Pay-per-view came about, no one has any idea how the war games were supposed to work, Salem included. So since our Magnificent GM Salem Croft was nowhere to be found, someone had to step up. As fate would have it, that someone would be me. That was my very first booking job. It was a ********' disaster."

Miranda would sit forward, allowing a chuckle to escape her lips.

Miranda: "But your Question, about the landscape.well, this was around the time that participation was on the decline, immediately after the triple threat between myself, Draven, and Cartwright. If you recall, Hiro cashed in his money in the Bank contract and became Legacy Championship, and then feuded with Shaquille- The name's too long. He was feuding with Freakshow up to that year's Wrestlemania. "

Found this as a reminder if wanted! https://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=24839165

Michael Cole: "That's a tough way to start, especially as a new General Manager, having to sort out someone else's mess before a big show. Vanishing would become his trademark act!

The Triple Threat match that you mentioned happened from the 29th November 2015 - 3rd January 2016. So not only did you have to fix everything before a major PPV, but you found yourself competing for the top championship, which must have looked suspicious to the roster. Rumours were swirling that you were going to book yourself to win because 'it's your guild', despite warnings from others about doing so, which also would have been damaging. Hiro decided to cash-in, which must have been helpful for you as the new GM because it gave you a direction to go in with booking the WWFG Legacy Championship.

How did you find yourself in that particular match?! Was it a surprise when Hiro cashed-in?! Are the booking rumors true and did you have the support of your management team?!"

Miranda: "Well, if you recall, I didn't just put myself in that match. I was placed in a number one contender's match against Jawsome Jaws. I didn't place myself in that match, but rather I was placed in that particular match by Claire, who was GM for four or five months. I beat Jaws by dislocating his shoulder. You should know better, Michael. When one competes in a number one contender's match, nothing is certain. The people who get to this level to compete in front of thousands of people in sold out arenas around the world. We don't do this by pure luck. We get here with our own blood sweat and tears, so even to get into that match was not a certainty. But to answer your question. I was not booked, nor did I book myself to win that match. The original handpicked golden boy, as I recall, was the current Champion at the time, Cartwright. If any booking politcking happened, it was by the GM Claire, adding her friend Matt Draven into a match that I earned the right to be in. But I bear no ill will towards Claire."

Miranda took a drink from her water bottle, and then pull a cigarette out of her pack, and lights it, taking a drag.

Miranda: "As far as Hiro is concerned, I was not aware that he would cash-in to win, but you have to understand. When you are in a Championship match, any championship, but especially in a world championship match. When you go to plan for it, you can't worry about what might happen. You gameplan for the threats you know. In this case, it was more complicated, and of course, I failed to capture gold on that night."

Michael Cole: "You mention that it was Claire who was the General Manager previous to you. If Claire was the GM following Salem, couldn't she do anything to solve WWFGs problems?! How would you rate Claire's managing to Salem's and how did you become Claire's replacement?!"

Miranda could not answer the following questions after five days from May 20th 2019. The message was read and she was posting elsewhere. Read into that what you will!

Updated May 27th 2019
(A couple things, Michael. Firstly, I was not aware that there were active time restraints on this, as there are for matches, promos and the like. Second of all, I am not very pleased with the other interview threads being locked and not mine. Thirdly, professional courtesy of a warning before posting would have nice. I wouldn't have done that to you.)

Miranda: "Well, isn't that a rather delicate couple questions isn't it. By the time Salem handed the company to Claire, many people who were active and valued members of the communityhad begun an exodus from the company. The Matt Shanahans, Nukes, many of the Gods of wrestling had left. And with it, much of the magic of this place was diminished. Claire was working with what she had available to her, in the time when she disappeared."

Miranda shifted in her seat uncomfortably as she prepared to answer Michael's second question

Miranda: "As for the comparison between Salem and Claire? Well, that is difficult to answer, what's the phrase? Apples to oranges. Salem had an idea, for the most part, where he wanted the product to go, and was rather exclusive with it. That is, he did not often ask the opinions of hia crew, at least not in general meetings, he may have done so in private, but not to my knowledge, and not to me.

Claire was very inclusive with her crew. In board meetings we would often toss around ideas, and then generally decide by majority. There were a few times she insisted on certai things, but not often. That was until she disappeared. Now I can't speak to why that happened, because I don't know. For the firat month or so i worked as the unofficial GM and head booker. On the third month, I made a pitch to my late father that we could diversify our brand and buy WWF. And he agreed. The rights to all intellectual property of it still belongs to Rose Enterprises Entertainment LTD., which makes it my property, at least to my knowledge."