Recently, WWF:G Tag Team Champion Chrono Clepsydra made an appearance on Legacies, in a promo. During that promo, the God of Time bizarrely brought up the seemingly retired former WWF:G Legacy Champion, Hiro Shin-Mozas. Chrono called him out for being a quitter, someone who lied to the fans and left them high and dry when they wanted him most. We here at are proud to say that we have secured a statement from Mr. Shin-Mozas, prepared via video. We will now play that video for you, in it's entirety.

The video camera clicks on, and is pointed in the direction of an arm chair in the middle of a study. Slowly walking to it is former WWF:G Superstar, and Legacy Champion, Hiro Shin-Mozas. He took his time and sat down in the chair rubbing his neck as he did so, showing there was stiffness in it that was affecting him greatly. The storied competitor leaned back in the chair, and coughed a few times to clear his throat.

"Ahem...Hello, WWF:G. I didn't think, so soon after my retirement, that I would be addressing you all. It's been only a little over two months, but alas, I must. I'm weeks into my recovery from my Spinal Stenosis surgery, and Im back walking around, thankfully without the help of a cane. I have to say, going back and watching the footage of my retirement greatly hurt me, because I couldn't get over how defeated and destroyed I looked. That bump I took from Draze a few weeks prior to my retirement really left lasting damage, and it's very unfortunate. Thankfully however, thanks to the great work of the surgeons at Englewood Hospital in Englewood, New Jersey, I am going to be able to live a normal, wrestling free life now....or so I thought. My retirement speech was a hit with just about everyone, me included. Didn't know I had the chops to cut such a promo, but apparently, to one...'person', it looked more like me giving up on all of you as opposed to doing what was right for my health, something I know you all would rather me care about. I didn't lose the will to go on, the will to go on was stolen from me. Chrono Clepsydra, for years you've been nothing more than the biggest obstacle in my way, behind that curtain, from achieving the success I damn well have always deserved. I ended my story. I knew it all fell into place perfectly, over a decade of torture from Freakshow put in the books with me standing tall. That injury I suffered all but solidified what was apparent the whole time: my career was over. There was nothing left to accomplish...or so I thought. You feeling the need to open up your big mouth reminded me of the insect that always buzzed around me but I never had the time to kill. They told me that if I ever stepped foot in that ring again, I'd be risking my life. Unfortunately, I am no god, so sadly death is something I have to fear. However, for some reason...I don't. My life isn't worth living with someone like you breathing the same air. So what happens when a man who can't die meets a man who isn't afraid to? I don't know, Chrono. I just don't know. However, what I do know is that...yeah, my story might be over, but I've got one last thing to write. The epilogue. I never expected to wrestle another match in my life, and I've been warned countless times not to...But this has been six and a half years coming. The God of Time meets the 'Man Who Stood the Tests of Time'. You've got your match. I'll be there. Even if it kills me, time runs out for us both. You can bank on that, Chrono. See you then, and to every single one of the WWF:G fans, I'm sorry for what you're going to see in advance, but this is something that goes way beyond my own will or my own body. This was destined. This was written in the stars. This is already done, and the outcome is decided. Regardless of what happens, remember this was my choice. This was a test of my will. Thank you."