Absolutely obsessed over doing my nails last night to the detriment of everything else
xp Did you hear about all the solo GTA V dlc that got cancelled because online multi was so profitable?
crying Was reading about it
this morning, it's such a shame because I am way more prone to solo stuff, I even go into AviChat then get too shy to speak
whee Works been a bit meh, customer got something against me and gave me a low score on a feedback thing, now I gotta spend the next 4 weeks proving she was full of bs
Wanted to just gush about it when I got home but true to form my bf fell asleep about 15 minutes in... lol
Double carrots half potatoes sounds like a winner, I tend to devour carrots but can take or leave taters.
GJ on the absolute millions in GTA
Might waste more time finishing Knights of the Nine but idk it's way more grindy than I was expecting, straight up making you do the same thing 3-5 times to progress quests.
I thought I was playing Oblivion, not Runescape or WoW
whee Have a beautiful one peeps!