• Husband remember that I did not
    protest when you came to
    ask my hand.
    I gave all
    I had
    because I felt I belonged.

    You were tender in
    the quiet parts of night.
    But you wouldn't remove
    your mask even when lying next to me.
    You kept your secret
    safe, not a word or breath
    did you ever speak of it to

    It was all under lock and key.

    You had secrets,
    I had none.

    I wouldn't wait
    for you forever.

    When you left
    I took your keys,
    counted out the
    ones I didn't
    recognize and
    used them all
    until I opened
    your door.

    Did you think
    you were the only one
    who couldn't look himself
    in the mirror?
    The only one who got
    bloodstained and couldn't get
    himself clear?