• Kamen Rider Strike

    There is someone in General Xaviax's ranks.
    He is deadly in battle- as well as manipulative when it comes to girls.
    With a swivel of his head, you can't escape him no matter where you go.
    He will find you.

    His name is James or J.T.C. for short.
    He has a particular interest in Maya.
    Little does she know that sweet James is Kamen Rider Strike.

    He has a cobra-themed deck of cards to assist him in battle.
    He calls upon the Venosnaker, a mechanical cobra that spits acid at the opponent.
    Strike can also use it as a canon so that he kicks harder.
    He is Xaviax's deadly dose of poison in a purple package.

    James vented Thrust, Torque, and Sting- he is sinister.
    And Maya falls into the seductive trap of venom.
    She is in the middle of good and evil.
    Kamen Rider Strike is always victorious in carrying out the general's orders.

    Maya is Strike's puppet and she doesn't know.
    She will fall prey due to the cobra's charm.
    She can't resist the power of Kamen Rider Strike.