• Walking alone,
    In these woods of gray,
    A bloody scream escapes a mouth;
    Her wide eyes stareing straight.

    Filled with tears,
    She screams again.

    A splash of blood,
    A scream,
    Tears that have fallen to the ground;
    In the gray woods.

    Blood stained hands,
    She looks at you,
    Fear in her eyes.

    Slashing at her helpless body,
    Woods of gray,
    Turn to red.

    Her memories escape her lifeless body.
    As she lies in the dark;
    Being consumed by the woods,
    One last fear filled tear rolls down her glistening face of whit marble.

    She is not missed,
    Her skeleton lies under the earth.
    Her blood filled crys hunt the woods.
    The woods of gray;
    Some still pray,
    Some may say,
    "She was nothing"
    Others may go into those very woods;
    As they listen to the wind,
    They hear her now.

    Nothing but the woods,
    The woods of gray.