• idea mrgreen Somewhere, I don't know where,
    A little girl dreams of great things.

    Sometime, I don't know when,
    A little boy thinks of where his life will go
    What if, what if they met, all their questions
    Answered in love

    Sweet wedding bells ring; soft with sound
    Love is in the air, vows are bound
    Death do us part, never may we fight,
    That beautiful little girl is now a princess,
    A young woman in a lacy white gown!
    That handsome little boy is now a prince,
    A young man in a silken black suit!
    They had a beautiful boy,
    A wonderful blunderful boy bundle of joy,
    See what true love makes?
    rofl eek it sucks, but critique!!!
    heart heart heart heart heart dramallama cheese_whine emo talk2hand whee