• I look into his beady
    black eyes
    Staring down on me

    But there's nothing to blame
    I can't see the flame.

    I look away from him
    for two seconds
    Thinking " what's going on here"?

    "What just happened?!"
    Completely stunned to what
    just happened.

    I step back from it all.
    Pulling away from the
    knife in his gut...

    He falls back onto the bed
    Blood drains from his

    His heart beat begins to slow
    I just watch has this happens

    Backing away slowly
    from all of this.
    The sheets on the bed
    are blood shot red.

    I ran through the hallways
    to the bathroom
    Trying to clean off the crime
    scene on my arms.

    All the blood on my arms
    have been washed off
    But the blood still lies.

    I lock the door behind me.
    I left everything I own in the

    10 weeks past.
    Neighbours to smell
    something in the house.

    My old neighbour John
    Saw me on the street one day
    And asked me what was
    ranking in my house
    so badly?

    We took a look.
    And there was my boyfriend
    Dead on the bed.