• "Does god NOT interfere with us because
    he's afraid of what he's created."

    "It's seems pretty selfish of god too have
    his creations write songs all about him."

    "God's rules on who goes to heaven seem pretty strict
    it's like he doesn't want you with him, which is probably
    why he got himself crusified to begin with."

    "His rules grant you no freedom, some god right?"

    "How do you know he even exists, the only living document is a book
    that isn't even completely justifiable, who knows if it was fake?"

    "HIs rules make even the most faithful christian know they are going to hell."

    "With all the hunger, disease, and war in the world god is either too selfish to interfere or scared of his own creation."

    "It is god who should burn in hell, for creating something so violent."

    "But then again is it possible for someone too create the world in only a week,
    or for it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights, no this is not logical nor possible."

    "he does not care for his creations because he does not interfere."