• Quiet on the outside
    Listening to the world
    No one understood
    No one ever heard
    The screaming wouldn’t ever stop
    The pain washed out by tears
    And all this time
    Her only fear
    Was here …..
    So near…….
    The mirrors mere reflect

    Avoiding all as best she could
    And hiding from her peers
    No longer could she keep depressed
    The thoughts she held within
    The cap blew off
    And all was lost
    She didn’t understand

    At last one thought
    came struggling through
    and all was at its end

    No longer crying is she know
    For that would make her weak
    Instead of that she stands strong
    Still…. ignoring what is wrong
    And makes one more slice
    Never to sleep
    Cutting through the pain
    All of it
    Skin deep