• In her eyes she had it all,
    A great job,
    A great house,
    But most importantly,
    A faithful boyfriend.

    If only the poor girl could see,
    See he was lying to her,
    See he was cheating on her,
    And mostly using her.

    It breaks my heart,
    When you give him praise,
    Excpecially when he dosn't deserve it,
    Alas even though it hurts us both my love,
    There is nothing I can do.

    For the first time in a while we talk,
    Not about him, about you,
    How YOU are, and how YOU feel,
    We walk together happily until you turn,
    You turn your head and see him and boss.

    I'm so sorry i whisper ,
    Hurt and betrayal in your beautiful hazal eyes,
    You run away and i fallow you out.

    Why why me, What did i do,
    Am I not as pretty as her,
    Am I not as Smart as Boss,
    Do I not work as hard?

    I should have never let them meet,
    How long was the only thought that crossed me,
    I fight back the tears,
    Burning and clinging to my lashes,
    I'm so stupied i whisper, Your not i hear.

    I slowly turn and see you there,
    Comfort and compassion in your eyes,
    Really I asked fearing the answer,
    Of course not you say as you walk toward me.

    Softly smilling i no longer care,
    Who watches i let my tears fall,
    I feel your arms pull me into your embrace,
    For a while we stay like that, until...


    The clock strikes midnight i look up,
    And you kiss me, the feeling so warm,
    The feeling so right,
    Merry Christmas Noelle